Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Ironies of Life...

So how is it that while being an American living in Brazil...technically I came to be standing on Saudi Arabian soil? Well God of course. I can come up with no other explanation for eating with the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, while in Brazil. What a creative God we serve that He would arrange such an opportunity.
I had high expectations for the evening...although not really knowing what I was about to walk into. All I knew was I had an invitation to dine with ambassadors...of Saudi Arabia. I did not know what kind of opportunities would present themselves. It's very easy to let yourself think that since God has provided such an opportunity, that He must want me to lay hands on someone while I'm there, or possibly even prophecy. Not unreasonable expectations. None of these things happened, but I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't disappointed because I didn't go to the Saudi Arabian embassy so that God could meet my expectations. I went so that I could meet His.
As I sat in the midst of Syrians, Iraqis, and people from other unknown parts (me and my friend were the only Americans there) I was reminded of Jesus eating with the tax collectors, and Esther living in the castle waiting to be queen of pagan Persia. The Bible doesn't say that as Esther was amidst these pagans that she went around laying hands of people, or yelling prophecies at the top of her lungs. She simply lived...abiding in Him...Him abiding in her...letting the Light shine from here. A city set on a hill. Her reasons were different for keeping quiet, but the point is still the same. When we abide in Him and he abides in us and we then go the places He has told us to go, I believe the Lord will then just use your presence, your life as a testimony of Him. I shouldn't have to yell at the top of my lungs, "I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!!" for people to recognize what I am.....for people to see Jesus...for my testimony of Jesus Christ to be heard.
When Jesus supped with the tax collecters, I can imagine that was enough for them to want to follow Him. He didn't perceive himself so high and holy that He couldn't commune with them. That was Jesus sharing the love of Jesus Christ. His presence was Him silently proclaiming the love of God.
I am not comparing myself to Queen Esther or even to Jesus. I am simply saying that offering a kind face, supping with the lost, small words of the Love of God, and letting Him lead you and abide in you simultaneously is what we are called to do. We are called to be like Jesus.
So, I can't say that I prayed over the thousands while at the Saudi Arabian embassy, but I can say that I supped with them (them knowing I'm a follower of Christ), I talked with them, I showed them kindness and love. I pray they remember that I didn't think myself so high and lofty, so holy that I couldn't sit and dine with them. My Muslim student will remember that his Christian teacher made herself available to him and showed him love. Sometimes that's all we can do.

Thanks for reading.
Blessings and Peace in Jesus name...the name above every other name.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Giving Thanks

I have to tell you that every day I´m here I am learning something new about this enormous country, the beautiful people here, and living out my walk with the Lord. I´m learning that in all situations, no matter how they feel or look to give thanks. Just give thanks. That is what the Lord has asked us to do. There is an amazing amount of peace in living with a spirit of graditude.

I don´t need a house of splendor, a high paying job, perfect protugese, or even a cellphone to be thankful. I´m learning that I don´t need a life of ease, or situations to always "go my way" to be filled with graditude. Nor do I need to be in control of all circumstances at all times in order to fill like I´m in the right place.

Several scenarios have reminded me of this truth lately, including the one in which I´m in currently. At this very moment, I am locked out of my house for the next four hours without a cellphone, a car, or fluent portugese to get my any where but the neighborhood internet cafe. Are there things I need to be doing right now? Sure! Am I tired after a very long day? Ofcourse. Do I wish Brasilia had a local Starbucks to sit at until my roomate decideds to come home? As a matter of fact, I do.....BUT I´m actually quite at peace sitting here writing to you beautiful people in this secluded internet cafe.

When I took the wrong bus at nine o´clock to a dangerous suburb of Brasil, I could have been very upset with myself and felt as if my livlihood was endangered; however, how profitable would it have been? Every day I learn more and more that the material things of this world mean less and less, smooth days where all is perfect exist only if you change your heart, and that when you rest in the hands of our loving God there is very little to fear.

How blessed our we not be one of the many orphans running the streets of Brazil who has been abandoned because our parents have died of AIDS? Why did God spare me from being a thriteen year-old bride as many are here? Why am I blessed enough to esape the mysticism and cult activities that are sweeping the country? Why was I not rejected by my family when I chose to f0llow Christ? I do not know. All I know is that the cross God has for just that for ME. Whatever that Lord sets before me, I pray that I will enter it with a grateful heart knowing that those stepping stones ahead of me were made for my feet alone. Knowing that soon this world will pass away. The fustrations, the inconveniences, the stess. It will all dissapear in a moment, and we will be standing eye to eye with the Lord Jesus Christ. When I get there I want my Lord and savior to be pleased that I took the life He gave me and lived it with graditude, with fruit of the Spirit. Not because it was easy, but because that is what He has designed us to do. Praise Him. Morning, noon, night, rain, or shine. Praise Him!