Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Natural Blue...

Dory:Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you wanna know what you've gotta do?
Marlin: No I don't wanna know.
Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.
Marlin: Dory, no singing.

Dory from Finding Nemo makes me LAUGH! She deffinitly is not the brightest fish in the ocean, probably due to her natural blue, but this one thought she did get right. Just keep swimming folks. Like Dory we often find ourselves asking sharks for advice (while being completely unaware of the dangers). We find ourselves surrounded by dangerous jellyfish just waiting to entangle us with their tentacles. Constantly we drift into dangerous places unknowlingly. And yet, the Lord is faithful to care for us. He is good. All the things I lack....He is and so much more. I am a natural blue, but for some reason He uses me anyway. Praise the Lord for that.

Oh so many, many lessons to learn from our dear friend Dory.

Lesson #1 The Lord doesn't want to use you because you are bright. Compared to Him we are peons. The Lord wants to use the faithful, those who trust, those who wait on Him, and those who come to Him like a child.

Lesson #2 Allow the Lord to put people in your life who can help you in this walk of faith. They may not be perfect, just as you are not. We are called to be a body. The Body of christ. Not the lone ranger for Jesus.

Lesson #3 Bad things happen. Get over it. No really, get over it. You will not ever fully understand why or how things happen. But this one thing you can grab ahold of...God is soverign. His ways are higher than ours. Until we reach heaven we will never fully comprehend His workings. Whatever mess you are in...He is there with you walking beside you. Allow Him to lead you and guide you through it. He is the best pilot there is. Allow Him to heal you and restore you. He can. His is able. Nothing is impossible with Him. Nothing. The Lord will use the thorns in your life for His glory if you let Him.

Lesson #4 Keep singing. There will never be a day when the name of Jesus is not worthy of praise. Not one. There is freedom and victory in praise.

Lesson #5 There will always be enemys, those who discount or try to discredit the work the Lord is doing in your life. Those who condemn instead of lift up. Incline your head toward heaven. Listen to the Spirit, the Encourgager. Do the thing He has called you to anyway. Just keep swimming.

So as I'm here in Brazil encountering all of the aformentioned....I remember Dory. I'm singing a new song and swimming for Jesus. The Lord has provided so many wonderful opportunites. Please pray for me that I will continue to have the character to walk out the plans that God has for me. That I will seize every opportunity. That I'll avoid the jellyfish and sharks. That I will listen the Great Encourager.

This Tuesday I will be making another visit to the Saudi Arabian embassy to dine with ambassadors from all over the world. What a privlege and an honor. Pray that the light of Jesus Christ will radiat from me penetrating the darkness. This is my prayer.

Keep swimming friends. Keep singing. Give him your safcrifice of joy.
And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Psalm 27:6