Saturday, November 24, 2007

Love all Around

Love, love, love. Love is all they say. Not too long ago an explicit movie was made on that very premise entitled Love Actually. The movie explored the quite often immoral realtionships (the ups and downs of them) of several individuals. "Love" in this movie was displayed in some very interesting ways, from a worldly point of view. I do NOT recomend it!

So, if love is not what the world says it is, then we may ask the question, "What is L-O-V-E and how is it shown?"....this word that is often used in the same sentence as pizza, your black Sketchers, and even your spouse.

The beautiful people of Brazil are not accustomed to hiding their "love." They are extremely affectionate people. I believe their country modo could be, "If you love someone, SHOW IT." It is not unusual while walking through the mall or through the grocery store to find people of all ages making out. One might think this type of behavior is only your youths, but not in Brasilia. Some might say these public displays of affection are their way of showing love.

The Bible has many things to say about love. Jesus spoke on the topic often. He said the world would know that we are his disciples because of our love for one another. In John 21 the Son of God has a little conversation with Simon Peter about the topic. We find the Lord repeating himself in this selection of scripture. He repeats himself because the point he is making is very very important! Simple, but valuable. He asks Simon, son of Jonas, if he loves him three times. Three times Simon, son of Jonas, replys that indeed he does. All three times, the Lord's response to him is almost identical. Paraphrasing it Melinda style it says something to the affect of, "Well then SHOW it by feeding my lambs and feeding my sheep." It was a command. He didn't say, "Well, when you have time show me you love me by giving people spiritual and physical food." Or, "If you have the energy, love me by feeding others." He just simply said, "Feed my sheep."

I've been thinking about this piece of scripture alot lately. This is a command. An imperative sentence. I do love the Lord, and so I must show it. Am I?

Recently, the Lord has opened an amazing door. He is allowing me to donate my time on the weekends at an orphanage for abandoned boys. I couldn't be more thrilled! On Saturdays, I will be sharing the love of God, the spiritual meat, with these abandoned children through teaching (they have little education) and through the Word. However, the Lord convicted me that I could do more. These boys are also in need of physical food to eat, and so I will also be giving funds monthly to help nourish these children. Many of you know that I have no income here. I am here solely on your support. I tell you this not to put myself on a pedastool. I tell you this because you too can help feed his lambs and his sheep. If you would like to demonstrate your love for the Lord by supporting me in this endeavor, please see the information on the side of this blog that says "Supporting the Call." You will be doing more than sending a missionsary to Brasilia, Brasil. You will be feeding the hungry, as we are commanded to do. Those of you who are supporting me already, I can't thank you enough for reaching out into the world in the name of Jesus! Let's feed his lambs together! Blessings and peace on you in Jesus name!

So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

John 21: 15-17

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Wheels on the Bus

Can you remember the last time you rode the bus? Was it when you were a pubescent teenager who had yet to turn 16 and needed a ride to school? Or maybe it was when you took that last trip with the high school football team to an away game, or with the college athletes? I wonder how many skills it took in order to be successful in your voyage? Well, let's see. You had to be able to climb a few steps up, and in turn climb a few steps down. You had to be able to bend your knees in order to place your gluteous maximus on a cushion. And....that's about it. So, if I were to say to you, "I can ride the bus all by myself," that sounds like nothing more than a kindergarten feat. However, let me assure you that here in Brasilia there are MANY skills necessary to ride the public bus AND actually arrive at your intended destination. They are as follows in no certain order of necessity, for all skills are required. :)

1. Require absolutely no personal space - be willing to sit beside/stand beside/nudge absolutely anyone, no matter their gender, age, color, or hygiene.
2. Endurance - be willing walk any uncertain distance in order to get to the nearest bus stop.
3. Bravery - one must be able to cross the public highway in order to arrive at the APPROPRIATE bus stop.
4. Know the route that will lead you to your destination - remember that buses are named by their ending destination. Many buses may end at the same point, but travel very different routes to get there. Your stop may be somewhere along the way, but remember to only get on the bus that is using the correct road/highway, of which there are many! Or you may end up in a very dangerous suburb, as I have done. And don't forget there are MANY buses. Choose carefully.
5. One must always carry very small bills - due to the fact that the bus attendant will not break larger bills at all, on must be ALWAYS prepared and have small change.
6. Stand, walk, remain standing, and remain walking forward on very rapidly moving/stopping/ swerving ground. - this is pretty self explanatory. It doesn't take a genius to realize that all around the world traffic laws don't hold the same weight. Here in Brazil, they are more like suggestions. Very rarely remembered, utilized, and enforced suggestions.
7. Study, study, study - speak loudly so the driver can hear you, speak clearly so he/she understand you, and remember do it in a language you have only been studying for 3 months. :)
8. Be armed and ready - the bus station and the actual buses are one the most common places to be attacked and stolen from....especially if you're as pale and as pretty as me.

Ah..what an accomplishment. Riding the bus in Brasilia, Brazil. I will admit that I am proud of my victory.

As I was on one of my daily adventures across the city for a mere price of 3,00R ($1.80) thinking to myself that I was so thankful to have mastered this form of transportation, the Lord began to whisper a little parable into my ear. Riding the bus here is a lot like my walk with Jesus Christ, and I will be so bold to submit that it's like your walk with the Lord also. All the skills necessary to be successful on my daily earthly route, are also required to master my daily path with the Lord. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must do the following (notice the correlation).

1. Be willing to get involved with people the Lord places in our lives matter if it's uncomfortable, stinky, or troublesome. Just know in your walk, it's necessary in order to get where you're going.
2. Sometimes it takes effort to locate the place the Lord would have you to be. Be willing to do something in order to stay on track with the Lord. It doesn't happen by osmosis. The path the Lord has for you, may not magically appear under your feet. You may have to find it.
3. There may be moving objects, fiery darts even that are headed right at you. Keep a watchful eye. Sharpen your movements and be aware of the obstacles that will try to deter you.
4. Don't guess that you are headed in the right direction. Know in your spirit you are going forward and pursuing the things of God in the direction that He has led you.
5. Be ready always to offer a small amount of love, word, encouragement to someone in need. Be prepared! There is a time for being silent, and there is a time to speak. If you arrive at a point where your voice should be heard, where truth should be shared, then be ready. Be bold. Be prepared.
6. The Lord never said that walking with Him would be smooth sailing. He calls Himself our "strong tower" for a reason, because unexpected events, storms, potholes, and shaking will come. We must remain standing, remain pressing forward. Do you have that skill? When the shaking comes do you falter, or do you stand upon the Rock, Jesus Christ? Lord, help us to stand. Nothing can deter us from pursuit of the things of the Lord.
7. Be willing at admit that there is more for you to learn. Maybe the Lord is trying to train you in a ministry, a gift. Are we teachable?
8. The devil roams the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Make sure that isn't you. Know that you are not immune to being stolen from or attacked. Have you put on your armor today? When we don't arm ourselves, we are living our life in way that says, "I'm up for grabs. Come and get it. Take all I have." The word is powerful. Know it.

Every day is an adventure. Physically. Spiritually. We have a journey, a path, a walk that the Lord has intended for us. Lord help us to know what it is, to find it, to remain pressing forward upon, and to not be deterred and stolen from. In Jesus Name. The Name above every other Name. Amen.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified.

Isaiah 61: 1-3 KJV