Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Examination Room

I just want to start off with an apology for my lack of "blogging." My ambition was to make a weekly entry, but as you can see I have greatly fallen short in reaching that goal. Lately, I have been made more and more aware of this fact of falling short. As a physically tall women at 5 ft 10.5 in, spiritually I feel very short in stature.

At some points in my life I have been less aware of this truth. However, during time of trial and tribulation it seems as if we are simultaneously in the Great Physician's examination room. During these visits our spiritual flaws, broken bones, and cancers are exposed. This is where I find myself today in the examination room because of difficult, trying circumstances. I see that there are many areas in my walk with the Lord where I must increase.

It's funny because when speaking of my life here in Brasillia as a missionary, I have heard many people say that I'm living out my own personal adventure, as if I am on an extended vacation. It has been eluded to that my being here is in fact somewhat a life of ease. These are the things people think and say when you give up your life for the call. They are unaware of the challenges I face daily. All they can imagain is "how exciting" it all must be. What they are unaware of is the many "thorns" as Paul called them that come with being a follower of Jesus.

I have deliberated on whether or not to brodcast the struggles I face here. Would it discourage others? Would it sound as if I'm complaining? This is the conclusion I have come to. I need your prayers. I am encouraged in my trials because I know that they strengthen my faith. Even still, I need your prayers. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. I will not go into specifics of my struggles here. Only know that we are warring against princes and principalities, against those who would like to disrupt and even destroy the work being done here. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the missionaries here. Pray that as we find ourselves in the Great Physicians examination room, that we would allow Him to strengthen the broken places and heal us of our spiritual iniquites. Be encouaged by our trial friends. You are not alone in your struggles. As I pray for you, please pray for me that I will grow in His power and might. Not in my own. I want His strength to be made perfect in my weakness.

For the eyes of the Lord are over the rightwous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against then that do evil.
I Peter 3:12

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Natural Blue...

Dory:Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you wanna know what you've gotta do?
Marlin: No I don't wanna know.
Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.
Marlin: Dory, no singing.

Dory from Finding Nemo makes me LAUGH! She deffinitly is not the brightest fish in the ocean, probably due to her natural blue, but this one thought she did get right. Just keep swimming folks. Like Dory we often find ourselves asking sharks for advice (while being completely unaware of the dangers). We find ourselves surrounded by dangerous jellyfish just waiting to entangle us with their tentacles. Constantly we drift into dangerous places unknowlingly. And yet, the Lord is faithful to care for us. He is good. All the things I lack....He is and so much more. I am a natural blue, but for some reason He uses me anyway. Praise the Lord for that.

Oh so many, many lessons to learn from our dear friend Dory.

Lesson #1 The Lord doesn't want to use you because you are bright. Compared to Him we are peons. The Lord wants to use the faithful, those who trust, those who wait on Him, and those who come to Him like a child.

Lesson #2 Allow the Lord to put people in your life who can help you in this walk of faith. They may not be perfect, just as you are not. We are called to be a body. The Body of christ. Not the lone ranger for Jesus.

Lesson #3 Bad things happen. Get over it. No really, get over it. You will not ever fully understand why or how things happen. But this one thing you can grab ahold of...God is soverign. His ways are higher than ours. Until we reach heaven we will never fully comprehend His workings. Whatever mess you are in...He is there with you walking beside you. Allow Him to lead you and guide you through it. He is the best pilot there is. Allow Him to heal you and restore you. He can. His is able. Nothing is impossible with Him. Nothing. The Lord will use the thorns in your life for His glory if you let Him.

Lesson #4 Keep singing. There will never be a day when the name of Jesus is not worthy of praise. Not one. There is freedom and victory in praise.

Lesson #5 There will always be enemys, those who discount or try to discredit the work the Lord is doing in your life. Those who condemn instead of lift up. Incline your head toward heaven. Listen to the Spirit, the Encourgager. Do the thing He has called you to anyway. Just keep swimming.

So as I'm here in Brazil encountering all of the aformentioned....I remember Dory. I'm singing a new song and swimming for Jesus. The Lord has provided so many wonderful opportunites. Please pray for me that I will continue to have the character to walk out the plans that God has for me. That I will seize every opportunity. That I'll avoid the jellyfish and sharks. That I will listen the Great Encourager.

This Tuesday I will be making another visit to the Saudi Arabian embassy to dine with ambassadors from all over the world. What a privlege and an honor. Pray that the light of Jesus Christ will radiat from me penetrating the darkness. This is my prayer.

Keep swimming friends. Keep singing. Give him your safcrifice of joy.
And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Psalm 27:6

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Be Bob - Bob the Builder

How time flys! Here I am back in Brazil after my busy, filled days in the States. Galavanting across the south was very exciting indeed. It was wonderful to be among friends, family, and my church family. However, I must say that I did miss my other home, here south of the equator. Here where the weather is goregous, I am ready to continue business...the Father's business that is.

Since returning to Brazil, all of our staff have been constantly covered in grime. We look like a bunch of Linus's running around without our blankets. We have just cause for being so filthy. After sanding, painting, mudding, sanding, and painting again it is difiicult to stay clean. Oh, but we have an extreme amount of thankfulness for the nasty distinct odor leaving our bodies. We are doing the finishing touches on our new school so we can begin on Thursday!!! The words in the previous sentence worth squealing about are "new school." If I had no other duties, I would list the many, many reasons why this building is indeed miraculous. Unfortuanatly, time does not permit. Let me just say that the Lord has provided a building that is almost four times the size of our previous building. Imagine the opporunities we will have for future ministry. We have all of the communities attention because we have moved to the middle of the city. We share many similarities with Nehemiah when he was building his wall. Just like him, we too only have had 52 days to complete the near impossible. But God! That's all we need.

I encourage you to read Nehemiah for yourself this week. What is the Lord building in your life? What does he want you to build? What do you need to do to protect the work the Lord is doing in you? Read Nehemiah and let the Lord speak to your heart. Just a few days ago the date was 08-08-08. Eight is the number for new beginnings and three is the number of completion. I wonder what the Lord wants to begin and finish in your life this year?

Blessings and peace on you. Please continue to pray for me and my fellow ministers here. I believe that the Lord is going to do some mighty mighty things for His kingdom. You and I are blessed enough to be a part of it!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Redeem the Day

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumpesctly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the times, because the days are evil. Where fore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5: 14-17
This set of scriptures is a prayer that I have for myself and all of my fellow ministers of the gospel. I do not want to sleep through what the Lord is doing or through what the Lord would want have me to do. There are a lot of things that we can allow to desensitize us from the urgings of the Spirit. Stress, anxiety, emotion, confusion, and plain old sin to name just a few. These next few scriptures give us some very valuable pointers on how to combat being slumbering Christians.
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks alway for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Ephesians 5: 19-21
If we look around, there are many things for which to give thanks to the Lord. I don't want to miss those opportunites to offer graditude the Lord and to press into the future things of God. I would like to share just a fewof wonderful things that Lord has done here in Brasilia. Within the last month, four children have given their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. What a thing to rejoice over! Another little young lady who comes from a devout Muslim family rededicated her heart to the Lord, and is trying to find the strength to stand firm in her belief that Jesus is the Son of God and died for her sins. In addition, I had the opportunity to take all 21 of my students out to Siao, a home for abandoned and orphaned boys. We purchased and planted fruit trees to help feed the future orphans. It was an incredible privalege for all of us to serve the planting of the Lord, His children. The most recent spectacular event of the Lord came in the form of a new building for our school. We have long been in need of more space, and the Lord has truly provided that with a facility that is three times the size of our current school.
I hope you will rejoice with me in these victories for the kingdom. I'm praying theat the Lord will continue to open my eyes, to help me be alert, awake, vigilant, redeeeming the time, and to walk circumspectly so that I might serve Him better with my life because the days are indeed evil.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Chess Game of Life

Have you ever felt competely overwhelmed and absolutely uncertain of your next steps, your future decisions, your comings and your goings? So full of anxiety that you cannot breathe and cannot focus on anything but your uncertainty. Your heart races. Your mind runs in circles. You feel as if an unseen hand is grasping your lungs refusing to allow air to enter. The investment feels to big. This risks are too high, but yet you feel projected into the arms of this potentially disasterous situation.

Ofcourse you have. You are human, flesh creatures who cannot see into a crystal ball, or go into the future in a Dalorian to see if your actions will result in positive outcomes. We do not know the future. Sure some are gifted with the spirit of prophecy and the Lord allows us to get a quick glimpse of what is to come, but it is just that. A glimpse.

Well, inspite of all of these human emotions and feelings I would like to encourage you all that are staring uncertainty in the face. You are exaclty in the place where God can move. The place where God would have you. You are staring a lion right in the face, and by the grace of God because of Godly maturity (recognizing and acting upon God given opportunity) you will end up with your foot upon the lion's mane. ( See 2 Samuel 23: 20-21) We are uncertain, but God is not.

I have been feeling uncertain about alot of things lately. About decisions that I feel need to be made. Opportunities that need to be acted upon. However, the Lord has reminded me that He is not a God subject to the odds. Look at Daniel, Sampson, Esther, and every other man and woman of God in the Bible. When did their victorious walks not require risk? They had uncertainty, but they made their minds defy it. When God tells us to make the next move in this chess game of life, all we can see is that next move. We may not understand how it will benefit the kingdom of God, but God sees all the future chess moves. He knows and cares for His people. Is that enough for us? It should be.

I'm going to end today's blog with the thoughts of someone much smarter than myself. This is an entry from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.

Graciousness of Uncertainty
"It doth not yet appear what we shall be." -I John 3:2
Naturally, we are inclined to be so mathematical and calculating that we look upon uncertainty as a bad thing. We imagine that we have to reach some end, but that is not the nature of spiritual life. The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty, consequently we do not make our nests anywhere. Common sense says - "Well, supposing I were in that condition..." We cannot suppose ourselves in any condition we have never been in.
Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life: gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth. This is genearlly said with a sigh of sadness; it should be rather an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. Immediately we abandon to God, and do the duty that lies nearest, He packs our life with surprises all the time. When we become advocates of a creed, something dies; we do not believe God, we only believe our belief about Him. Jesus said, "Except ye... become as little children." Spiritual life is the life of a child. We are not uncertain of God, but uncertain of what He is going to do next. If we are only certain in our beliefs, we get dignified and severe and have the ban of finality about our views; but when we are rightly related to God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy.
"Believe also in Me," said Jesus, not - "Believe certain things about Me." Leave the whole thing to Him, it is gloriously uncertain how He will come in, but as He will come. Remain loyal to Him.
Be blessed and assured that God is not made in our image, therefore let's not limit the might things He can accomplish. Don't omit the great things God has for you simply because you couldn't take the risk. In His hands there is no risk. Blessings and peace on you in Jesus name.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Flying High

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
I love the promises of the Lord that He has made to us, his beloved. Sometimes I just sit and bring to remembrance all the promises that He has whispered in my ear and made to me in His word. This often moves me into a thoughts of thanksgiving and graitude because as I recall His words to me I see that He has been faithful to fulfill what He has spoken, which then propels me into hope for the future. He is the God who was, who is, and who is yet to come.
Isaish 40:31 entails some very personal promises that the Lord gave me very early in my walk with Him. Promises that my latter days would be better than my former. That He would guide me into victory over my mind, over my childhood, over my flesh, over depression, over everything that the world will project on me.
I was reminded of this promise when I was in Rio de Janeiro for a few days on the most inexpensive vacation of my life. The Lord blessed us with the opportunity to take a bus there and spend some time with fellow missionaries who teach in that spectacular city. They welcomed us into their homes with open arms and gave us free room and board. They knew we wanted to see the city and destress. Being the thrill seekers we are, they let us know of an opportunity to go hangliding at a decreased rate through a connection of theirs. Well, ofcourse we took it!!!
The physical things of this Earth do mirror the spiritual and as I was literally soaring above and through clouds, I heard that still small voice reminding me of the victory that I walk in today, and that He will continue to grant me victory because He is faithful. By His grace we can soar with wings as eagles over the oppression of this world and over our own flesh. We will not escape trials and tribulations, but will triumph in the midst of them. That is His promise to us. My prayer is that you and I both wouldn't forget that truth. Remember God's promises to you and if you don't know what they are then I encourage you to seek them out in God's presence. Blessings and peace on you in Jesus name.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

No More Tears

Well here I am back in Brasilia, Brazil where the sun is shining when the rain isn't falling, and the heat and humidity will give you an afro in seconds. It is a wonderful place to be. :) Seriously, I start this new year knowing I'm exactly where the Lord would have me to be. What better satisfaction is there?
A new year means the new begginings of great things for the people of God. We are seeing evidence of that here at Brasilia International School. Micraculously, long awaited visas are being granted and teachers that have been waiting for 8 months to get here have finally arrived. We are very close to purchasing land and a new building which will increase our ministry potential greatly. At this point we are about 8 students short of reaching maximum capacity. We are literally busting at the seams! Again, it's a wonderful place to be!!
I believe that the best is yet to come and that the beginnings of this year are only a hint of the magnificent things God has for his people, for those who strive to walk the highway of holiness. This is a year of God reassuring us that we are His people, we are in His hands, and Him turning our tears of sorrow into tears of gladness.
I pray that as this new year begins, you will exept to see the Lord do above and beyond all that you could have asked or hoped for. Here in Brazil that is exactly what we are doing!

And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on the Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it. No lion will be there, nor any ravenous beast; they will not be found there. But only the redeemed will walk there, and those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.
Isaiah 35:8-11