Saturday, February 9, 2008

Flying High

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
I love the promises of the Lord that He has made to us, his beloved. Sometimes I just sit and bring to remembrance all the promises that He has whispered in my ear and made to me in His word. This often moves me into a thoughts of thanksgiving and graitude because as I recall His words to me I see that He has been faithful to fulfill what He has spoken, which then propels me into hope for the future. He is the God who was, who is, and who is yet to come.
Isaish 40:31 entails some very personal promises that the Lord gave me very early in my walk with Him. Promises that my latter days would be better than my former. That He would guide me into victory over my mind, over my childhood, over my flesh, over depression, over everything that the world will project on me.
I was reminded of this promise when I was in Rio de Janeiro for a few days on the most inexpensive vacation of my life. The Lord blessed us with the opportunity to take a bus there and spend some time with fellow missionaries who teach in that spectacular city. They welcomed us into their homes with open arms and gave us free room and board. They knew we wanted to see the city and destress. Being the thrill seekers we are, they let us know of an opportunity to go hangliding at a decreased rate through a connection of theirs. Well, ofcourse we took it!!!
The physical things of this Earth do mirror the spiritual and as I was literally soaring above and through clouds, I heard that still small voice reminding me of the victory that I walk in today, and that He will continue to grant me victory because He is faithful. By His grace we can soar with wings as eagles over the oppression of this world and over our own flesh. We will not escape trials and tribulations, but will triumph in the midst of them. That is His promise to us. My prayer is that you and I both wouldn't forget that truth. Remember God's promises to you and if you don't know what they are then I encourage you to seek them out in God's presence. Blessings and peace on you in Jesus name.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Awesome,awesome that is so cool.
Well here it is wednesday night and I am not at church because I am under attack, stupid me should've made myself go but my head just hurt to bad. Then I read your blog wow oh how I should remember the promises of the lord. Thank you for your encouraging words,it seems like I read it right when I need it. I love you so much Hang in there(ha,ha) Thats cool I would have wet my pants,I'm sure of it. I know you are doing well I promise to keep prayin for ya, Please pray for me too. ok