Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Examination Room

I just want to start off with an apology for my lack of "blogging." My ambition was to make a weekly entry, but as you can see I have greatly fallen short in reaching that goal. Lately, I have been made more and more aware of this fact of falling short. As a physically tall women at 5 ft 10.5 in, spiritually I feel very short in stature.

At some points in my life I have been less aware of this truth. However, during time of trial and tribulation it seems as if we are simultaneously in the Great Physician's examination room. During these visits our spiritual flaws, broken bones, and cancers are exposed. This is where I find myself today in the examination room because of difficult, trying circumstances. I see that there are many areas in my walk with the Lord where I must increase.

It's funny because when speaking of my life here in Brasillia as a missionary, I have heard many people say that I'm living out my own personal adventure, as if I am on an extended vacation. It has been eluded to that my being here is in fact somewhat a life of ease. These are the things people think and say when you give up your life for the call. They are unaware of the challenges I face daily. All they can imagain is "how exciting" it all must be. What they are unaware of is the many "thorns" as Paul called them that come with being a follower of Jesus.

I have deliberated on whether or not to brodcast the struggles I face here. Would it discourage others? Would it sound as if I'm complaining? This is the conclusion I have come to. I need your prayers. I am encouraged in my trials because I know that they strengthen my faith. Even still, I need your prayers. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. I will not go into specifics of my struggles here. Only know that we are warring against princes and principalities, against those who would like to disrupt and even destroy the work being done here. Pray for our leaders. Pray for the missionaries here. Pray that as we find ourselves in the Great Physicians examination room, that we would allow Him to strengthen the broken places and heal us of our spiritual iniquites. Be encouaged by our trial friends. You are not alone in your struggles. As I pray for you, please pray for me that I will grow in His power and might. Not in my own. I want His strength to be made perfect in my weakness.

For the eyes of the Lord are over the rightwous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against then that do evil.
I Peter 3:12

1 comment:

Karen said...

hi Melinda,
Don't feel bad that you haven't blogged, I feel bad that I haven't checked it.Anyway I love you and will praying for you, you are a stong spirit and I know the devil won't win our battles. Miss you Hang in there okay