Sunday, June 21, 2009

Following Him...

My dedicated blog readers will notice that I changed the title of my blog from "Missions to Brazil" to "Taking Jesus to the Ends of the Earth." Those of you who are personally involved with me know why.

My time in Brazil has come to an end, but the notion of my being sent to share the gospel of Jesus Christ most certainly has not! On July 16th, I will begin the next chapter in my walk with the Lord as I head of to Lonavala, India! There I will be living in an orphanage referred to as the Life Center. This venture is not with the mission organization with whom I traveled to Brazil. This organization is called Sower of Seeds. They serve the county of India with water wells, slum school, orphanages, and much more. You can check them out at to get more information.

If you have been supporting me in the past, I would ask for your continued support. I will post the support information this week. Many of you experienced God's care of provision over the last two years as your poured into the work done in Brazil. I am certain this will not change! If you have any question about what I will be doing in India and would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at I welcome your question, thoughts, and prayers!

Please stay tuned into this blog! I am determined to be more dedicated to communicating with you!

Blessings and Peace,

Melinda - a prisoner of our Lord Jesus.

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