Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Say What?

I'm back! I wish you could hear the inflection in my voice. It gives power and emphasis to the phrase. Can you hear it? I'm baaaa-aaack! Use your imagination.

The United States is a fantastic country. I just spent two months and three weeks there. That is a record amount of time that I have been home in over three years. What a trip it was! For all my friends and family reading, it was fantastic to see you and fellowship with you. What a joy! God moved in wondrous ways, demonstrating to me so thoughtfully that He is my Full Provision. For every type of need, want, desire - He is. Awesome!

While in the States , I found myself struggling against the place He had put me. It's an interesting thing to have no earthly possessions that tie you to a particular place. When overseas I am content with feeling a bit disconnected at times, but when you are at "home" that isn't the desired reaction. I found myself longing to return to India quickly, but for the wrong reasons. I wanted to run back to the mission field because that is where I had placed my identity. So the Lord posed this question to me while I was going through the visa process, "What if I say no?" I immediately rebelled against the thought. Surely, that isn't the Lord speaking. I felt confusion, doubt, hurt, and even anger - all the things that don't necessarily glorify Him. He followed with, "Will you still love me?"

People tend to put certain Christians on some sort of spiritual pedestal, but the truth of the matter is that I have the same number of chromosomes as all of you. I don't have super powers, and haven't been bit by any radio active spiders. The Lord is constantly drawing me back to what my life is all about, where my identity is found- a deep, trusting love relationship with Him. That should be the only reason we do anything, because we are His and He is ours.

And so now with a gentle reminder from the Lord and fully expecting wondrous things, I am very happy to say to my friends in India, "I"m baaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaackk!!!!"

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everthing on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He's the one who will keep you on track.
Proverbs 3:5-6
The Message

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