Friday, August 10, 2007

It is truely amazing to me that I am writing a blog from south of the equator in the country of Brazil. Having only been in the country for a week and a day, I have found that I love it already. It is a beautiful place, as you can see from the picutres of my school, and it is an extremely warm hearted country.

After flying into Brasilia vis San Paulo, I was picked up by Mr. Bose and the Axworthy family. I have felt at home ever since. We quickly began working the following Friday to prepare for the coming of our students on Augusst 9th. We are praising the Lord that the number of children enrolled for this school year is ever increasing from years previous. New embassys are sending their students to Brasilia International School. This is very exciting. We have such as amazing opportunity here to minister to children who will litterally go into all of the world. I fully expect lives to be changed and impacted for the kindgdom of God this year.

As I looked into my classroom on the first day of school, I say students of all colors. Red, yellow, black, and white. The are both colorful in skin and and personality. When they open their mouths, I hear tounges of every language with all sort of accents and interesting vocabualry words. The most exciting this I have done this week is spend time in prayer with my students. We had a few students come down with the chickenpox, and even though the thought occured to me to pray later, a student approached me and said, "I think we should pray for our ill students today Ms. Grantham." With pleasure we all joined together to offer our petitions before the Lord.

I will end this weeks entry with saying that I am filled with expectation. Please continue to pray the God will touch and impact souls for His kingdom. There is a war waging in the spiritual realm, and we fully intend to overcome. In addition, please pray that the Lord will open up doors for outreach ministry and ministry to orphans. I am believing for divine appointments. Meeting the right people and the right time to see the perfect door of opportunity and ministry open. God bless and thank you for supporting me by partaking in the journey the Lord has set before me.


Gayle said...

Hey glad you made it and are all settles in...we just got back from Galveston and had a great time...we will be praying for you and I will try to send a little money each month.....I am sending a 20.00 check today...

leanna said...