Thursday, August 16, 2007

Making a New Home

We'll if every week I wrote an entry stating that all is perfect and there haven't been any trials, then I would hope that my faithful readers out there would be intelligent enough to know that in the "good fight of faith" that is an impossibility. 1 Peter chapter 4 tells us that trials and suffering will come, but that in them we rejoice. Wherever I am, in whatever state in which I find myself, I have no choice but to rejoice. I will purpose in my heart to rejoice. There have been many challenges that have come my way this week, but this only encourages me to fight harder. To press harder into the things of God. He is moving all throughout the world, Brazil included. I can't wait to see what he accomplishes here during this time.

I find myself loving the children here more and more. I am believing that the Lord will open more and more doors to minister, including to the orphans and the widows. Please pray with me in agreement for this very thing.

I will leave you with a testimony of God's healing power. Three weeks ago one of the missionaries who is set to join us in Brazil received a phone call that her mother was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. But God. My God is still a miracle worker. He is still in the healing business. He is looking a place to move in healing. We have been praying and believing God for that very thing. Just this week I received an email saying that her mother has received an absolute clean bill of health. They cannot explain it and are baffled. I am not! How dare we reduce the miracles of God to a "doctor misdiagnosis." So as the trials come, so do the victories!

Be encouraged, and thank you for reading. :)


Anonymous said...

Miss Melinda!

Greetings from THIS side of the equator!

Karen and I REALLY miss seeing your smiling face and hearing your "annointed" voice but we also know you are where you are supposed to be for this season.

Just wanted to send you this quick post to let you know we love you and are praying for you.

All the good folks at Open Door also miss you and can't wait to hear what the Lord is going to do in and through you.

God is doing some great things here and we'll have to fill you in soon. Your email address??

Till later......

Steve "Sheem-bah-kah" Ashley

bethann said...


I can't begin to tell you how much we miss you, or how much I cry when you come to my thoughts. Michael says "I miss you so much". Monique says "I hope lots of people will get to know God + Jesus"

Grace is growing like a little weed. She is discovering her fingers and toes as well as all the interesting sounds her voice makes! I will send you pictures soon.

Be blessed, we are praying for you,


Blogger from another mother said...

Hello Beautiful Lady!!
You have been on my heart so much...what a great person to have floating around in my "grey matter" as PT calls it. I love that you have this site up. I just can't stop smiling and feeling VERY excited for you. It is very clear that the Lord has plans for you, BIG PLANS--outside the walls of the school too! Wow...I pray that God always let's you see things the way He are so Precious to Him! And to me too:)
Things are good around here...getting ready for a pretty little girl to get here. We have
6 1/2 weeks left so I better get busy!

I love you!

Blogger from another mother said...

HAHA I just realized that I show up as know it's really me though right! My email address is Send me your address sometime so we can chat!

Love You Bunches...
