Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mailing Address

I updated my mailing information on the side column of this blog.  If you have any question about mailing items, just let me know. :)  I did note that mailing through the post office is not the most reliable way.  Items sometimes take up to five months to arrive this way. The best way to send items is through the UPS or DHL. 

All of you who asked for my mailing address....THANK YOU!  :)

Blessings and Peace!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Acts of Mercy

"Blessed are the merciful, for thy shall obtain mercy."  

All throughout the New Testament you hear of Jesus being moved with compassion, and in turn providing a spoken or an unspoken need.  I heard someone share about acts of mercy yesterday.  The part that most struck me was when he shared about Jacob's well.  Jacob's well was made (by hand) to fulfill a need.  People were constantly trying to corrupt the wells he built, until he finally placed one on top of the mount in a town later to be called Samaria.  You may remember this well as the one in which Jesus spoke to the Samaritan women after He told His disciples, "I have need to go through Samaria."  When Jesus met the Samaritan women there, she questioned whether Jesus could give her water that was more fine than the water provided by their ancestor Jacob who had given that well.  The well spoke mercy to her centuries later.  The effect of acts of mercy are unending.  It's like throwing a ball at zero gravity that never encounters obstacles.  It never ends.  

We are still recalling all of Jesus' acts of mercy and most importantly the ultimate act which was the giving of His life.  The Word says, "Having compassion, making a difference."  That is what I hope to do here.  That is what I see already being done, and I hope to just follow suit with the vision the Lord has given me.  I have seen the Lord's mercy in my life over and over again.  He saved me.  He rescued me.  He gave me a destiny.  He is my loving Father.

I don't have much, but in Him I am rich.  Rich in mercy.  Peter said, "Siver and gold have I none, but what I have I give unto you."  

I am not sure of everything that the Lord wants to accomplish through me here, but I ask that you would for me.  Pray that I would never cease to give mercy to these beautiful orphans, widows, former prostitutes and drug addicts.  Pray they see Him. 

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Picture of Restoration....

The room exploded with color.  Against their coffee brown skin it appeared that they had chosen the brightest shades.  They were beautiful.  Some appeared as if their faces were shining.  They smiled as if they held the greatest secret....and indeed they had.  His name is Jesus.

Today I had the amazing opportunity to sit among some beautiful Indian women.  Some were young, some were old, and some appearing older than their years.....all born again Christians devoted to God's work.  They were being trained in the Word so that they could go out and minister the Gospel.  All were the children of former prostitutes, former prostitutes, or even former madams over several ladies.  All were children of the Most High God seeking to be encouraged by His Word.  Although I myself was only assisting and not sharing, I could feel the Word going forth in power.

Last night I was given the opportunity to share with ladies who came from a completely different world.  Although Indian, they were young women who came from affluent families, in college, and under strict supervision.  They were just as receptive to the Word.  The Spirit of the Living God was so present.

I have been overwhelmed by God mercy and lovingkindness the last two days.  He has been reminding me just have good and faithful He is.  He is not a respecter of persons.  Some get upset by this fact, but I am thankful.  I am thankful that He isn't like the cruel false idols that many people here serve.  He doesn't see gender, skin color, circumstances, your history, your reputation, what kind of family you were born into, or what cast you are from.  What a good and merciful God.  If you are Hindu and you are a women or are very poor, then you have no hope of ever getting to their false heaven.  Can you imagine serving such pagan pigs?  

So, I am thankful for our King of Kings.  He deserves so much glory and honor.  Amen!

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galations 3:28

Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Impressions

Being here only a few days (literally only 3)....I feel as if I have been here a few weeks.  Instead of feeling overwhelmed by this feeling, I am encouraged.  Why you ask?  This feeling can only imply that MUCH has been accomplished!  Isn't that wonderful! What an an encouraging thought for those of us who are kingdom minded and want to see the Lord's work accomplished.

Many of my friends have been asking me about my first impressions of India.  I'm having trouble putting those thoughts into words.  My dear friend Traci says that I'm often verbally evasive. :)  I'm not trying to be in this instance, it's just that I've needed some time to process my thoughts and may need a little more.

What I have decided to do since I couldn't organize anything poetic from my thoughts is to give you a list of sorts......

Thought #1  I have traveled to only four continents, but of the countries I have seen India is indeed the most foreign.  My friends who have spent time in far off places had warned me of such.  It feels "foreign" because of the destitution, the level of uncleanliness, the naked little children running around, the smells, the  CONSTANT honking, the interesting food (not quite so foreign as China), the all out assault on the senses, and many other reasons.  BUT (did you feel the but coming?) because of God's enduring grace and mercy, I feel home.  I hope that you catch that last part because it is a miracle.  I feel home.  His lovingkindness and mercies are new every morning and He is extending them towards me now.  Praise His holy name!

Thought #2  How easy it would be to be overwhelmed by the destitution and hopelessness that this country radiates.  VERY EASILY.  Child after child seen wandering the streets unclothed and unfed.  Even from infancy they are trained to have this withdrawn saddened look on their face that undoubtedly comes naturally.  Many of their mothers being prostitutes send out to beg with malnourished child in order to bring in more money.  Where is hope?  Ladies and gentlemen we have an answer and His name is Jesus.  I am so blessed to be a part of His kingdom and among His body who is touching people just like these.  We are to be in the world, but not of it.  We should not be consumed by circumstance, but instead and faith and believe in our loving God who is the changer of hearts, minds, and yes even earthly circumstances.

Thought #3  I will actually be living IN the orphanage in which I will be teaching.  Initially this thought intimidated me, and if I'm honest I will admit I have a few quickly passing moments of trepidation.  As a teacher, I first imagined that this would be likened unto taking up residence inside of your classroom.  All the fellow teachers out there are trembling now at this thought.  Or it could be compared to a pastor, NEVER leaving the church building.  Or possibly an accountant never rising from his/her desk.  Or maybe even a medical assistant having 24 hour around the clock patients.  Is anyone out there feeling overwhelmed?   Then it occurred to me, that the problem was not my place of residence.  The problem was my thinking on the subject matter.  How often have I offered my life to the Lord?  How often do we say,  "My life is Yours?" How often do have I said, "All I have, I give to you?"  So then, the question is why would I allow moments of anxiousness when He actually takes ALL I have?  This place I'm in this season of my life will be the most blessed, the most profitable, the most fulfulling, the most empowered, and the most fruitful because it belongs FULLY to Him.  I hope there are some readers out there saying "Amen and Amen!"  Maybe even a "halalujah!"  I am rejoicing now at the kitchen table as I think of it. 

Thought #4  Will there be trials, temptations, tribulations, pain, and maybe even hardship?  ABSOLUTELY!  Is His grace enough?  ABSOLUTELY!

I am filled with hope and joy.  My request is that as the church prayed for Peter without ceasing (Acts 12:5) that you, the church, will pray for me.  It was only by prayer that he was delivered from the hand of King Agrippa by the work of an angel.  I need your prayer.  

Blessings and Peace
Thank you for reading!  There will be more thoughts to come!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Prayer request...

Yesterday I met the kids at the Life Center for the first time.  They were absolutely amazing!!! There is only one small problem....my computer will NOT connect to the internet here.  I have been using the computers of some freinds that will be leaving very shortly.  I cannot tell you about all the wonderful things that are happening if I don't have internet.  This may sound like a small problem, but if you have ever been away from home and have no other means to communicate other than your beautiful laptop in front of you....then you understand.  It's IMPORTANT.  I need help friends...and that means that I need you prayers!

Blessings and Peace!


Friday, July 17, 2009

I have.....

I have arrived in India. That is about all the words I can muster up in my current state of mental clarity. HOWEVER, I am here in India and wanted all of my dedicated blog readers to know. I feel home here already....even though I have only been here for an hour and may be on the only person awake in the city (it's 4:00 a.m.). I'm home. God is so good to send His grace, peace, and mercy to me.

Why would anyone ever serve another?