Friday, July 24, 2009

A Picture of Restoration....

The room exploded with color.  Against their coffee brown skin it appeared that they had chosen the brightest shades.  They were beautiful.  Some appeared as if their faces were shining.  They smiled as if they held the greatest secret....and indeed they had.  His name is Jesus.

Today I had the amazing opportunity to sit among some beautiful Indian women.  Some were young, some were old, and some appearing older than their years.....all born again Christians devoted to God's work.  They were being trained in the Word so that they could go out and minister the Gospel.  All were the children of former prostitutes, former prostitutes, or even former madams over several ladies.  All were children of the Most High God seeking to be encouraged by His Word.  Although I myself was only assisting and not sharing, I could feel the Word going forth in power.

Last night I was given the opportunity to share with ladies who came from a completely different world.  Although Indian, they were young women who came from affluent families, in college, and under strict supervision.  They were just as receptive to the Word.  The Spirit of the Living God was so present.

I have been overwhelmed by God mercy and lovingkindness the last two days.  He has been reminding me just have good and faithful He is.  He is not a respecter of persons.  Some get upset by this fact, but I am thankful.  I am thankful that He isn't like the cruel false idols that many people here serve.  He doesn't see gender, skin color, circumstances, your history, your reputation, what kind of family you were born into, or what cast you are from.  What a good and merciful God.  If you are Hindu and you are a women or are very poor, then you have no hope of ever getting to their false heaven.  Can you imagine serving such pagan pigs?  

So, I am thankful for our King of Kings.  He deserves so much glory and honor.  Amen!

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galations 3:28

1 comment:

Karen said...

So happy the Lord's word is going out, that is so awesome in India because not many know him there.
Your so right God is not a respector of person's, he loves us all the same.Thanks girl your so special keep on blessing all those you special ladies and children!
Still praying for your cupter, did you get it fixed? much love!