Monday, November 23, 2009


There are some phrases that we hear over and over again. "Please." "Thank you." "How are you doing?" Recently, in the past few months there is a new phrase that I do not go a day without hearing. "Come Didi." I hear this statement first thing in the morning, during every break between classes, during playtime and study time, before dinner, after dinner, and the small time in between. These beautiful children are always longing for my presence. I will admit that I'm not the only one. They are also very big fans of Season Didi and Donnabelle Didi, but being the resident "Didi" I hear it a little more often. It feels like their need for attention and love is never satisfied.
God loves me so much that He made sure He sent me to a village that has a coffee shop. I frequent there whenever I get a chance. EVERY time I am there I am greeted by the same young lady who is in her early twenties. She loves to talk with me even though she speaks very little English. When I am sitting reading a book, she will just come near sitting, smiling, saying a few words - always appearing delicate and fragile. Even when I am with someone, she makes sure to become a part of the conversation with a smile and nod. Going to the coffee shop to be alone is out of the question. She is there. She told me recently that I am her very best friend. I am very independent person. I have never been a huge fan of the clingy type. She recently told me, "I have life problem. I have one friend. So lonely. Can you help me? Tell me. What is my life problem?" What a shame it would have been if I had been too busy for her, to give her answers.
Incontestably, I am not the Son of God, but during His three years of ministry He too could rarely be found alone. People were always flocking to Him in hoards. People who needed answers, acknowledgment, and affirmation. Why? He was the living presence of God on this earth. In His company these things were found. When Jesus left He told them that it was best that He left because the Comforter, the Holy Spirit would come. We need not be distraught when people cling to us. We need not turn them away because they may inconvenience us. They are trying to cling to His presence living in you. The world is hungry for Him. My job as His ambassador is to constantly be holding a traffic sign pointing up to Him when people come looking for something only He can provide. We should not be discouraged or even annoyed by the need of those surrounding us. Do we grow tired and weary? Undoubtedly - that is why He promises that His strength is sufficient.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You nailed girl, They see Jesus all over you and thats why that they are clinging to you, Lord help us all be so full of the Holy Spirit that stranger just want to flock to us. Lord I thank you for yout grace and Mercy that you pour down on Melinda and keeps her strength and hopes alive with you spirit, love you Melinda your doing great, Miss ya& prayin for ya lots