Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Support Information

You will see that I have revised and revisited the support section of my blog. Please check it out!! It's entitled "Supporting the Call," and will give you all the instructions you need. :) If you have any more thoughts, prayer requests, concerns, and/or questions, feel free to email me.

Blessed in order to be a blessing,

Melinda - a prisoner of Jesus Christ


Unknown said...

Hi Melinda!
Do they have a way we can set up a monthly automatic deduction?
Love, Patty xxxx

Support: said...

I'll check on that!

Support: said...

If you would like to be set up for direct withdrawl from your account on a monthly basis, just call Chase at the Sower of Seeds Office, and he will get them set up. The number is 817.898.0262.

You just have to let him know your a friend of mine who wants to set up a direct withdrawl monthly. :)