Monday, July 27, 2009

Acts of Mercy

"Blessed are the merciful, for thy shall obtain mercy."  

All throughout the New Testament you hear of Jesus being moved with compassion, and in turn providing a spoken or an unspoken need.  I heard someone share about acts of mercy yesterday.  The part that most struck me was when he shared about Jacob's well.  Jacob's well was made (by hand) to fulfill a need.  People were constantly trying to corrupt the wells he built, until he finally placed one on top of the mount in a town later to be called Samaria.  You may remember this well as the one in which Jesus spoke to the Samaritan women after He told His disciples, "I have need to go through Samaria."  When Jesus met the Samaritan women there, she questioned whether Jesus could give her water that was more fine than the water provided by their ancestor Jacob who had given that well.  The well spoke mercy to her centuries later.  The effect of acts of mercy are unending.  It's like throwing a ball at zero gravity that never encounters obstacles.  It never ends.  

We are still recalling all of Jesus' acts of mercy and most importantly the ultimate act which was the giving of His life.  The Word says, "Having compassion, making a difference."  That is what I hope to do here.  That is what I see already being done, and I hope to just follow suit with the vision the Lord has given me.  I have seen the Lord's mercy in my life over and over again.  He saved me.  He rescued me.  He gave me a destiny.  He is my loving Father.

I don't have much, but in Him I am rich.  Rich in mercy.  Peter said, "Siver and gold have I none, but what I have I give unto you."  

I am not sure of everything that the Lord wants to accomplish through me here, but I ask that you would for me.  Pray that I would never cease to give mercy to these beautiful orphans, widows, former prostitutes and drug addicts.  Pray they see Him. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

I sure will Melinda...I know when they see you they see Jesus! I don't have much either but what I do have is prayers that God hears and I am so thankful for that! As always you lifted me up and I love you for that! Hve a blessed weekend, Love ya