Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Impressions

Being here only a few days (literally only 3)....I feel as if I have been here a few weeks.  Instead of feeling overwhelmed by this feeling, I am encouraged.  Why you ask?  This feeling can only imply that MUCH has been accomplished!  Isn't that wonderful! What an an encouraging thought for those of us who are kingdom minded and want to see the Lord's work accomplished.

Many of my friends have been asking me about my first impressions of India.  I'm having trouble putting those thoughts into words.  My dear friend Traci says that I'm often verbally evasive. :)  I'm not trying to be in this instance, it's just that I've needed some time to process my thoughts and may need a little more.

What I have decided to do since I couldn't organize anything poetic from my thoughts is to give you a list of sorts......

Thought #1  I have traveled to only four continents, but of the countries I have seen India is indeed the most foreign.  My friends who have spent time in far off places had warned me of such.  It feels "foreign" because of the destitution, the level of uncleanliness, the naked little children running around, the smells, the  CONSTANT honking, the interesting food (not quite so foreign as China), the all out assault on the senses, and many other reasons.  BUT (did you feel the but coming?) because of God's enduring grace and mercy, I feel home.  I hope that you catch that last part because it is a miracle.  I feel home.  His lovingkindness and mercies are new every morning and He is extending them towards me now.  Praise His holy name!

Thought #2  How easy it would be to be overwhelmed by the destitution and hopelessness that this country radiates.  VERY EASILY.  Child after child seen wandering the streets unclothed and unfed.  Even from infancy they are trained to have this withdrawn saddened look on their face that undoubtedly comes naturally.  Many of their mothers being prostitutes send out to beg with malnourished child in order to bring in more money.  Where is hope?  Ladies and gentlemen we have an answer and His name is Jesus.  I am so blessed to be a part of His kingdom and among His body who is touching people just like these.  We are to be in the world, but not of it.  We should not be consumed by circumstance, but instead and faith and believe in our loving God who is the changer of hearts, minds, and yes even earthly circumstances.

Thought #3  I will actually be living IN the orphanage in which I will be teaching.  Initially this thought intimidated me, and if I'm honest I will admit I have a few quickly passing moments of trepidation.  As a teacher, I first imagined that this would be likened unto taking up residence inside of your classroom.  All the fellow teachers out there are trembling now at this thought.  Or it could be compared to a pastor, NEVER leaving the church building.  Or possibly an accountant never rising from his/her desk.  Or maybe even a medical assistant having 24 hour around the clock patients.  Is anyone out there feeling overwhelmed?   Then it occurred to me, that the problem was not my place of residence.  The problem was my thinking on the subject matter.  How often have I offered my life to the Lord?  How often do we say,  "My life is Yours?" How often do have I said, "All I have, I give to you?"  So then, the question is why would I allow moments of anxiousness when He actually takes ALL I have?  This place I'm in this season of my life will be the most blessed, the most profitable, the most fulfulling, the most empowered, and the most fruitful because it belongs FULLY to Him.  I hope there are some readers out there saying "Amen and Amen!"  Maybe even a "halalujah!"  I am rejoicing now at the kitchen table as I think of it. 

Thought #4  Will there be trials, temptations, tribulations, pain, and maybe even hardship?  ABSOLUTELY!  Is His grace enough?  ABSOLUTELY!

I am filled with hope and joy.  My request is that as the church prayed for Peter without ceasing (Acts 12:5) that you, the church, will pray for me.  It was only by prayer that he was delivered from the hand of King Agrippa by the work of an angel.  I need your prayer.  

Blessings and Peace
Thank you for reading!  There will be more thoughts to come!


Karen said...

I love being able to read about your experiences and know exactly what to pray for you about. I'm so happy that God has made you feel at home. I am praying for you and I know you will touch countlees little lives while you are in India. God knew what he was doing when he picked you.I am so blessed to know you and love you! Blessing and peace on you in Jesus name!

Rebekah@Red's Nest said...
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Rebekah@Red's Nest said...

Hey, living at your place of work. Carl & I have been doing this for about 12 years. Sometimes not so fun.