Thursday, September 24, 2009

Life Ramblings...

So many analogies for this thing we live called life. Here are a few and some added thoughts.
Analogy #1 - "Life is like an onion. You peel off layer after layer and sometimes you weep." ~ Carl Sandburg
Mel's Commentary: This analogy implies that all of life stinks. I would argue to the contrary. Stinky moments? Sure, but the whole kit and caboodle. I think not. If you feel it does, then ask for a spirit of thankfulness. You'll look at life in a whole new way! ( will smell better.)
Analogy #2 - "Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. " ~ Author Unknown
Mel's Commentary: A cynic wrote this. The lyrics of a song define it. If the lyrics to one's life are "messed up," it's because you wrote the lyrics yourself. I'm letting the Lord write the words to my song.
Analogy #3 - "Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale. Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man." ~ William Shakespeare
Mel's Commentary: I can think of a great number of people who would absolutely agree with Shakespeare. Emphatically, I do not. If the story of your life is causing people to slumber, including yourself, you might consider consulting the Lord on how He intends for you to live. I have never found the answer to be boring, dull, and/or tedious. The Lord causes us to dream, and see those dreams come to pass. He is the ultimate visionary, and He likes to share His vision with us if we are willing.
Analogy #4 - "Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth." ~ Martin H. Fischer
Mel's Commentary: At first glance one might approve of this statement. My initial response is that this is NOT the greatest show, but then again it does state "on earth" so I won't put up too much fuss. The greatest show will take place in the heavens. Of that I'm certain. My second thought is, why is this person sitting in a folding chair watching life? I'm in the production and Jesus has the lead role.
Analogy #5 - "I think life is like a painting by numbers." ~ anonymous
Mel's Commentary: Those who know me VERY well know that I do in fact apply my paint brush to a numbered canvas from time to time. I actually feel much better that the secret is out. Why is it a secret? Because...they are lame! Any true artist would say they stifle creativity. There is no creative process, no risk involved. Then why do I like them? I know what the finished process is intended to resemble. This is not how one should live their life. Sure, I have hopes and dreams concerning my life, but I have no idea how the end result will look! I only know it will be better than I could have possibly imagined. He is The Way, The Truth, and the Life. In other words, He has all the numbers and knows best how to fill them. Let us take comfort in that!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

From One World Into Another

My grandfather was a wonderful, righteous man who loved the Lord God. He recently had the awesome privilege of meeting his Maker when he passed away on September 9th. My grandmother refers to him as an angle among men. Very true. His death has caused me to ponder the leaving of this carnal realm and entering into eternal life. I cannot help but acknowledge the Lord's grace and mercy enveloped in His promise of eternal life.

It is not often that while sitting in a funeral you hear the faults of a person pronounced. If they were stingy, selfish and maybe a little egocentric, it most likely would not be mentioned. His/her bald spots, dentures, gingivitis, and acne are not likely to make the eulogy. Violent tempers, distant family members, and comb-overs will not be cited on the epitaph. On the contrary we reminisce over the happy moments and the admirable qualities exhibited (even if they were few and far between). It's as if we develop amensia concerning his/her faults. For those of us who have accepted Christ as our personal Savior, passing into His glorious presence, I imagine, will be a lot like attending a funeral. The Lord has no memory, no recollection of our grievous sins. In fact, the word of God says in Psalms 103:12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." The Word also says in Isaiah 43:25, "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." What a wonderful promise for those of us who believe, one to which I cling. All He remembers are your acts of righteousness, even if they don't constitute a very long list. Isn't that wonderful! I cannot help but cling to Him and His promises. We have no hope except that which He alone offers.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Know

I know what I am....a sinner in need of grace, forgiveness, and a lot of mercy. I know where I come from.... a life filled with enough traumatizing stories to write a book, maybe two. I know what I've done.... committed mistake after mistake. BUT more than any of these things, I know who He is. The Maker of ways. The Giver of grace. The Father of love. The Enabler of the inadequate. Savior. King. Father. Friend. The Prince of Peace.

As I was preparing to go before these angels yesterday, these beautiful teachers who give their lives to educating students in the slums, I was overcome with a severe feeling of inadequacy. Literally, I had the shakes. Who am I to entertain, much less instruct angels on the art of teaching? God has equipped me with knowledge and experience, but what is that compared to a life of servitude in the slums of Mumbai? Zilch. Thankfully, the Lord sent the Counselor to me, as He often does to direct my thinking in the ways of truth and righteousness. He reminded me that even the Paul, the great Apostle struggled with feelings of inadequacy, but he continued forward ministering the gospel. He too was filled the fear and trembling, but he pressed on. (I Cor 2: 1-14) God uses the willing, and then makes them capable. Praise the Lord for that. In the end, the training was an absolute success. Teachers were encouraged, loved, and taught how to do the joy of teaching better. They are awaiting my arrival again. The sweet ladies were kissing my cheeks. The Lord is our confidence. The Spirit of the Lord comes at the exact moment of our greatest weakness and strengthens us for His glory. It didn't feel like I had been touched with a special wand and strength just began to radiate from me. It felt as if I was being carried. Equipped. Whatever you are trembling about this week, whatever is bringing you to your knees, whatever mounting task the Lord has laid before you....I encourage you to know who He is. Not who you are. Know him. Let Him be your confidence, and thus bring Him glory.
For the Lord shall by thy confidence and keep thy foot from being taken.
Proverbs 3:26

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What About Today?

"Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living." - Elizabeth Elliot
This quote just about says it all. All of us are playing the "Waiting Game" for some reason or another. Maybe you are waiting for a new job, a child, a husband, an opportunity. Seasons change. It could be that you are simply waiting for the present season of our your life to change. The point is not whether or not your are waiting. You are. The point is - Are you living today in the mean time? You live today by faith. God still owns tomorrow. I am a progressive person and enjoy thinking about what comes next. However, being progressive, thinking about the future is not an excuse for being absent - absent in faith, absent in energy, absent in love, or absent in deed. We make excuses about why we can't serve God in a deeper way today. Usually are excuses revolve around waiting on something that is around the corner - money, time, a wife, a husband, experience, etc. The Lord has just been reminding me today that He loves when my faith, when your faith is active in the day in which we are living - not just in the days to come. Whatever season of life you are in, be all there for Him! Milk it for His glory.