Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What About Today?

"Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living." - Elizabeth Elliot
This quote just about says it all. All of us are playing the "Waiting Game" for some reason or another. Maybe you are waiting for a new job, a child, a husband, an opportunity. Seasons change. It could be that you are simply waiting for the present season of our your life to change. The point is not whether or not your are waiting. You are. The point is - Are you living today in the mean time? You live today by faith. God still owns tomorrow. I am a progressive person and enjoy thinking about what comes next. However, being progressive, thinking about the future is not an excuse for being absent - absent in faith, absent in energy, absent in love, or absent in deed. We make excuses about why we can't serve God in a deeper way today. Usually are excuses revolve around waiting on something that is around the corner - money, time, a wife, a husband, experience, etc. The Lord has just been reminding me today that He loves when my faith, when your faith is active in the day in which we are living - not just in the days to come. Whatever season of life you are in, be all there for Him! Milk it for His glory.

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