Tuesday, September 22, 2009

From One World Into Another

My grandfather was a wonderful, righteous man who loved the Lord God. He recently had the awesome privilege of meeting his Maker when he passed away on September 9th. My grandmother refers to him as an angle among men. Very true. His death has caused me to ponder the leaving of this carnal realm and entering into eternal life. I cannot help but acknowledge the Lord's grace and mercy enveloped in His promise of eternal life.

It is not often that while sitting in a funeral you hear the faults of a person pronounced. If they were stingy, selfish and maybe a little egocentric, it most likely would not be mentioned. His/her bald spots, dentures, gingivitis, and acne are not likely to make the eulogy. Violent tempers, distant family members, and comb-overs will not be cited on the epitaph. On the contrary we reminisce over the happy moments and the admirable qualities exhibited (even if they were few and far between). It's as if we develop amensia concerning his/her faults. For those of us who have accepted Christ as our personal Savior, passing into His glorious presence, I imagine, will be a lot like attending a funeral. The Lord has no memory, no recollection of our grievous sins. In fact, the word of God says in Psalms 103:12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." The Word also says in Isaiah 43:25, "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." What a wonderful promise for those of us who believe, one to which I cling. All He remembers are your acts of righteousness, even if they don't constitute a very long list. Isn't that wonderful! I cannot help but cling to Him and His promises. We have no hope except that which He alone offers.

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