Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Know

I know what I am....a sinner in need of grace, forgiveness, and a lot of mercy. I know where I come from.... a life filled with enough traumatizing stories to write a book, maybe two. I know what I've done.... committed mistake after mistake. BUT more than any of these things, I know who He is. The Maker of ways. The Giver of grace. The Father of love. The Enabler of the inadequate. Savior. King. Father. Friend. The Prince of Peace.

As I was preparing to go before these angels yesterday, these beautiful teachers who give their lives to educating students in the slums, I was overcome with a severe feeling of inadequacy. Literally, I had the shakes. Who am I to entertain, much less instruct angels on the art of teaching? God has equipped me with knowledge and experience, but what is that compared to a life of servitude in the slums of Mumbai? Zilch. Thankfully, the Lord sent the Counselor to me, as He often does to direct my thinking in the ways of truth and righteousness. He reminded me that even the Paul, the great Apostle struggled with feelings of inadequacy, but he continued forward ministering the gospel. He too was filled the fear and trembling, but he pressed on. (I Cor 2: 1-14) God uses the willing, and then makes them capable. Praise the Lord for that. In the end, the training was an absolute success. Teachers were encouraged, loved, and taught how to do the joy of teaching better. They are awaiting my arrival again. The sweet ladies were kissing my cheeks. The Lord is our confidence. The Spirit of the Lord comes at the exact moment of our greatest weakness and strengthens us for His glory. It didn't feel like I had been touched with a special wand and strength just began to radiate from me. It felt as if I was being carried. Equipped. Whatever you are trembling about this week, whatever is bringing you to your knees, whatever mounting task the Lord has laid before you....I encourage you to know who He is. Not who you are. Know him. Let Him be your confidence, and thus bring Him glory.
For the Lord shall by thy confidence and keep thy foot from being taken.
Proverbs 3:26

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