Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Time to Celebrate

Sultan is a quite remarkable little fellow who lives here at the Life Center. Yesterday was a very special day for him. He doesn't really know when his birthday is or even his exact age. Some think he is eight and some say nine. When Sultan came to the LC a date of birth was set for him, August 30th. He had never had his life celebrated....until yesterday. What a party! The Average Joe might be bothered by the fact that it was not truly the date they were born but not Sultan! All week long he had anxiously been awaiting his very own birthday cake. Every day he reminded me, "Melinda Didi, Sunday is my birthday!" Precious. On the day of his birthday, he had no interest in games. He only wanted to see that cake. It's tradition for them to cut the first piece. He cut the first piece. He lifted it high in the air, and then did the most amazing thing. He fed the very first piece to his two brothers. This is tradition, but I wonder how many privileged 9 year olds would offer their very first piece of their very own birthday cake to someone else? Not many, however, Sultan was happy to do so. What an amazing child! God has amazing things in store for him and all the other beautiful kids here at the Life Center. I'm so blessed to be a part of what He is doing.

I hope you will celebrate someone today!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Teacher

Every since I was very young, I have known that I wanted to be a teacher. Children have always responded to me. I'm not sure why come to think of it. I think it might be because the Lord has given me the gift of communicating concepts in a way that they can be easily understood. Many people can complete algebra problems, but explaining the "whys" and "hows" behind something in a logical manner is very different and can be complicated.

I was pondering this week that teaching is so much more than this. More than explaining. More than presenting ideas in a fun, interesting way. 90% of instructing is encouraging. Sure you need correction, planned activities, and so on, BUT without encouragement a child will see no point to continue learning, risking failure.

The Lord reminded me of this using Akbar. Akbar is an exceptional little fellow. He is full of energy and life. Akbar has taken it upon himself to be my karem instructor. Karem is a very common game played throughout India and even Pakistan. I'm terrible at it. Awful. Horrible. I really stink. All you have to do is hit the checker size round pieces into the hole. Sounds simple. Key word "sounds." However, even though I fail repeatedly I am eager to try again simply because of Akbar. His methods of instruction are phenomenal. He is my personal male cheerleader. He celebrates each victory with jumping, yelling, and multiple high fives. When I fail he says, "Good try, Didi. Do again." He creates opportunities for me. He purposefully hits the pieces in such a way that I might be more likely to succeed come my turn. He never says, "You should stop now Didi. The time it will take you to get that piece in, Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel." This wouldn't be far from the truth. Instead, he gives me ten chances to hit a piece when I am only entitled to one. He shows he how and where to hit. He rises to hist feet to dance when I succeed. He lovingly encourages when I fail.

These traits he exhibits mirror those of our Loving Father who has sent the Encourager, the Comforter to us. The Lord celebrates our victories, our faith, our purposeful attempts to do His will. He creates opportunities for us. He moves mountains out of our way. He points us in the right direction. Romans says that faith is "counted" to us as righteousness (Romans 4:5). This is a term that means the Lord literally takes note of our faith, our actions that are caused by belief in Him alone. I can see Him there with his Book of Life. "Melinda believed me today. Let me right it down. Melinda followed me today. Let me right it down." These are the things the Lord remembers.

Maybe you have been discouraged this week. Your attempts have failed. You are not seeing progress. Maybe you are feeling condemnation because of obvious failures or sin. Have no fear. The Forgiver of sins, the Encourager, the ultimate Teacher is there cheering you on, requesting that you endure in your pursuit of Him. He is for you and not against you lovingly instructing. His love, His mercy, and His strength is being extended to you. Take it and extend it to someone else. Don't let the weight of failure and sin weigh you down. Jesus has overcome sin. He is enabling, equipping, and empowering you! Be encouraged so you can be an encourager....just like Akbar.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.

Romans 8:1-3

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fast Friends....

Many, many people have been praying for me while I'm here. I cannot give enough thanks for that. One of the things people have been praying for is...and I quote...."fast friends." I am here to tell you readers that not only does God answer prayer, but He is extremely comical. His sense of humor astounds me!

A couple of weeks ago my friend Donnabelle came down from Mumbai to stay with me a few days. We were taking a little trip into town but lacked transportation. A rickshaw driver by the name of Sanjaay was recommended. Sanjaay turned out to be a very friendly little man....little indeed. He measures up to about 5 feet and 1 or 2 inches (more thank likely just one). Donnabelle explained to him that I am a crazy American who has decided to relocate to the Himalayans and would be needing a ride in the future. "Just call me," he told her in Hindi.

Yesterday, I found myself needing a lift, as a result, I phoned Sanjaay for the first time. Quite speedily he showed up eager to zoom me around town. On the way back home, I noticed that Sanjaay did not take the route I knew. In fact, he chose to take a road home that leads in the opposite direction of where I live. Strange..... I did begin to get a little apprehensive and question my safety. It was around 8:30 pm and very dark out. They do not exactly have street lights around here. My fears were quickly squashed when I remembered what a friend of mine said to me last week. "Melinda, have you met an Indian man who could knock you down yet?" Not exactly....but what about weapons?

As it turns out Sanjaay was taking me to meet his wife, to show me his home, and to give me a look at his neighborhood. This is the cause for the detour. I couldn't have been happier. As he was dropping me off after our speedy adventure, he said to me, "You. Me. Friends." In his broken English, he invited me to come to his home again for a more extended visit. No, he wasn't just after my money. In fact, he charged me LESS than he charges the locals. Unheard of!!!

I can't help but giggle while writing this blog. God answers prayer. Specifically. In Sanjaay God has given me a "fast friend."

Thank you Lord for the ministry opportunity...for the friend.

Friday, August 7, 2009

From the Start

I just wanted to send a big "THANK YOU" out to all of those who have been praying for me, and specifically for my Internet capabilities.

I've been saying to Lord, "I need the Internet! PLEASE!" It just occurred to me that He answered my prayer that very first day when I had someone else's computer to use. (Thanks Leslie!) Then, when I moved to Lonavala He led me to an Internet cafe led by very friendly Buddhists (ministry opportunity), but yet I was still saying, "I need Internet Lord!"

Now, I send this electronic post to you from my very own computer using my very own Internet device which was given to me. I am saying, "Thank you Lord!" However, I think my thanks is a little late. I should have given it on day one.

The Lord always provides for our needs according to His riches and glory. Maybe it's wrapped differently than we expected, but He always provides. There is nothing wrong for hoping and praying for better things, but let's not forget to give thanks along the way. He is faithful. He is good. Always.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Skipping the Small Talk

I have the gift of laughter. Some I know would say that I just have the gift of volume - loud, elevated noise. I'm a "half glass full" kind of thinker, so I do celebrate and giggle alot. I do not however have the gift of "gab," as I would call it. I'm not extremely good at meeting someone and then off the cuff talking about randomness. When speaking I usually have a point, not just to exercise my jaw muscles. Sometimes I partake in chitter-chatter, but only for the purpose of building relationship. It's intentional.

So, when I meet someone I like to get to the heart of who they are. What do they really believe? What do they value? Where do they see the Lord taking them in this journey called life? What is their salvation story?

Here at the Life Center I have met a kindred spirit. Her name is Sushilia, and she is beautiful inside and out. She is one of the many children living here. As a very young teenager she is pondering deep thoughts.

Although I had met Sushila once before, we had not gotten a chance to sit down and talk. I went into the girls room during play time just to casually visit and see how everyone's day was going. I sat down on the bed. Sushila started to show me the songs she likes to play on the guitar, and before I knew it I was playing the guitar and we were singing praises to the Lord. During the second song, Sushila stopped me. She said, "Excuse me Didi. I must know. Does God talk to you?" I told her that indeed He did. "How does He talk to you?" she replied. "Can you hear Him?" Sushila wanted to get down to buisiness! Skip the small talk and pull out the big guns.

The Lord opened up a wonderful opportunity to share about His still small voice and how even His creation testifies of Him. Sometimes we just need to pull out the big guns and get down to business. Get down to the heart of the matter.

I'm so happy to be here in Lonavala. I'm so thrilled that He sees fit to minister to me and through me.

Maybe you need to ask the big questions to someone this week?

Blessings and Peace in Jesus Name!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where to begin....

Everyday there are about 100 things happening that are blog worthy. Trying to pick out just one is too difficult. I cannot do it today!

Those of you who are Facebook friendly know that I have officially moved into the Life Center in the town of Lonavala. I have now been knighted Village Didi (the aunt of the village). I don't yet have internet connections where I am, but the Lord is working on that. I am believing by the end of the week that the Lord will work out all of those details.

Life at the Life Center is exciting. I am always surrounded by these wonderful children who are hungry for love, relationship, and affection. What an empowering place the Lord has placed me! One in which I constantly have opportunity to demonstrate the love of God. Every day I am just asking the Lord to fill me with His love. Fill me up Lord so I can pour it out in Jesus name. At the Life Center I am teaching children to read and write, organizing activities, and loving on children in the name of Jesus. These children who come off the streets are hungry for love and knowledge and God has empowered me to give them both!

Doors are continuing to open for me in the area of my gifting, teaching. I have been asked to lead a training for teachers who run slum schools. These schools take in children who might otherwise just be roaming the street. They take them in, teach them to read and write, feed them, and send them home with the knowledge and love of God. Currently, there are around 151 schools that Sower of Seeds Ministry is involved with through a beautiful saint named Sister Rajuhns. She has asked me to train her teachers. What an honor! When I sit next to her, I feel like Joshua following Moses up the mountain just hoping that I get to experience some of that same glory. The glory of the Lord. I want to glow just like Moses and just like Sister Rajuhns! I am continually asking the Lord for wisdom, grace, and endurance in order to complete all these tasks.

Coming into a new country means that there are things that need to be purchased to get a life started. I want to pour out blessings to these beautiful kids, and I need your help to do it! Your prayers and support are needed and appreciated! If you are interested in partaking in this ministry through financial support, just see the information on the left column.

Blessings and Peace in Jesus Name!!!
The name above all names.