Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fast Friends....

Many, many people have been praying for me while I'm here. I cannot give enough thanks for that. One of the things people have been praying for is...and I quote...."fast friends." I am here to tell you readers that not only does God answer prayer, but He is extremely comical. His sense of humor astounds me!

A couple of weeks ago my friend Donnabelle came down from Mumbai to stay with me a few days. We were taking a little trip into town but lacked transportation. A rickshaw driver by the name of Sanjaay was recommended. Sanjaay turned out to be a very friendly little man....little indeed. He measures up to about 5 feet and 1 or 2 inches (more thank likely just one). Donnabelle explained to him that I am a crazy American who has decided to relocate to the Himalayans and would be needing a ride in the future. "Just call me," he told her in Hindi.

Yesterday, I found myself needing a lift, as a result, I phoned Sanjaay for the first time. Quite speedily he showed up eager to zoom me around town. On the way back home, I noticed that Sanjaay did not take the route I knew. In fact, he chose to take a road home that leads in the opposite direction of where I live. Strange..... I did begin to get a little apprehensive and question my safety. It was around 8:30 pm and very dark out. They do not exactly have street lights around here. My fears were quickly squashed when I remembered what a friend of mine said to me last week. "Melinda, have you met an Indian man who could knock you down yet?" Not exactly....but what about weapons?

As it turns out Sanjaay was taking me to meet his wife, to show me his home, and to give me a look at his neighborhood. This is the cause for the detour. I couldn't have been happier. As he was dropping me off after our speedy adventure, he said to me, "You. Me. Friends." In his broken English, he invited me to come to his home again for a more extended visit. No, he wasn't just after my money. In fact, he charged me LESS than he charges the locals. Unheard of!!!

I can't help but giggle while writing this blog. God answers prayer. Specifically. In Sanjaay God has given me a "fast friend."

Thank you Lord for the ministry opportunity...for the friend.


Unknown said...

So gald your safe:) I'm really glad you got to meet is family and make some friends, God is so Good!
You are awesome and I am praying for youdaily.
Love ya mucho!!!!

Karen said...
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Karen said...

Ok Melinda Mallory does say Hello and she is thinkg of you!:) Not sure when I posted my comment that it came up Mallory. Any way that is as awesome story and I'm So happy your making good friends...Love you so much, Blessing on you in Jesus Name!!!!!

leslie Weehunt said...

awesome. Hopefully soon you will be able to race Sanjaay.... him in his rickshaw and you on your scooter (red scooter?) with red helmet and killer sunglasses - when it happens I want pictures.