Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where to begin....

Everyday there are about 100 things happening that are blog worthy. Trying to pick out just one is too difficult. I cannot do it today!

Those of you who are Facebook friendly know that I have officially moved into the Life Center in the town of Lonavala. I have now been knighted Village Didi (the aunt of the village). I don't yet have internet connections where I am, but the Lord is working on that. I am believing by the end of the week that the Lord will work out all of those details.

Life at the Life Center is exciting. I am always surrounded by these wonderful children who are hungry for love, relationship, and affection. What an empowering place the Lord has placed me! One in which I constantly have opportunity to demonstrate the love of God. Every day I am just asking the Lord to fill me with His love. Fill me up Lord so I can pour it out in Jesus name. At the Life Center I am teaching children to read and write, organizing activities, and loving on children in the name of Jesus. These children who come off the streets are hungry for love and knowledge and God has empowered me to give them both!

Doors are continuing to open for me in the area of my gifting, teaching. I have been asked to lead a training for teachers who run slum schools. These schools take in children who might otherwise just be roaming the street. They take them in, teach them to read and write, feed them, and send them home with the knowledge and love of God. Currently, there are around 151 schools that Sower of Seeds Ministry is involved with through a beautiful saint named Sister Rajuhns. She has asked me to train her teachers. What an honor! When I sit next to her, I feel like Joshua following Moses up the mountain just hoping that I get to experience some of that same glory. The glory of the Lord. I want to glow just like Moses and just like Sister Rajuhns! I am continually asking the Lord for wisdom, grace, and endurance in order to complete all these tasks.

Coming into a new country means that there are things that need to be purchased to get a life started. I want to pour out blessings to these beautiful kids, and I need your help to do it! Your prayers and support are needed and appreciated! If you are interested in partaking in this ministry through financial support, just see the information on the left column.

Blessings and Peace in Jesus Name!!!
The name above all names.

1 comment:

troy brewer said...

hey kiddo. you are such a good writter. thanks for the update