Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Skipping the Small Talk

I have the gift of laughter. Some I know would say that I just have the gift of volume - loud, elevated noise. I'm a "half glass full" kind of thinker, so I do celebrate and giggle alot. I do not however have the gift of "gab," as I would call it. I'm not extremely good at meeting someone and then off the cuff talking about randomness. When speaking I usually have a point, not just to exercise my jaw muscles. Sometimes I partake in chitter-chatter, but only for the purpose of building relationship. It's intentional.

So, when I meet someone I like to get to the heart of who they are. What do they really believe? What do they value? Where do they see the Lord taking them in this journey called life? What is their salvation story?

Here at the Life Center I have met a kindred spirit. Her name is Sushilia, and she is beautiful inside and out. She is one of the many children living here. As a very young teenager she is pondering deep thoughts.

Although I had met Sushila once before, we had not gotten a chance to sit down and talk. I went into the girls room during play time just to casually visit and see how everyone's day was going. I sat down on the bed. Sushila started to show me the songs she likes to play on the guitar, and before I knew it I was playing the guitar and we were singing praises to the Lord. During the second song, Sushila stopped me. She said, "Excuse me Didi. I must know. Does God talk to you?" I told her that indeed He did. "How does He talk to you?" she replied. "Can you hear Him?" Sushila wanted to get down to buisiness! Skip the small talk and pull out the big guns.

The Lord opened up a wonderful opportunity to share about His still small voice and how even His creation testifies of Him. Sometimes we just need to pull out the big guns and get down to business. Get down to the heart of the matter.

I'm so happy to be here in Lonavala. I'm so thrilled that He sees fit to minister to me and through me.

Maybe you need to ask the big questions to someone this week?

Blessings and Peace in Jesus Name!

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