Friday, August 7, 2009

From the Start

I just wanted to send a big "THANK YOU" out to all of those who have been praying for me, and specifically for my Internet capabilities.

I've been saying to Lord, "I need the Internet! PLEASE!" It just occurred to me that He answered my prayer that very first day when I had someone else's computer to use. (Thanks Leslie!) Then, when I moved to Lonavala He led me to an Internet cafe led by very friendly Buddhists (ministry opportunity), but yet I was still saying, "I need Internet Lord!"

Now, I send this electronic post to you from my very own computer using my very own Internet device which was given to me. I am saying, "Thank you Lord!" However, I think my thanks is a little late. I should have given it on day one.

The Lord always provides for our needs according to His riches and glory. Maybe it's wrapped differently than we expected, but He always provides. There is nothing wrong for hoping and praying for better things, but let's not forget to give thanks along the way. He is faithful. He is good. Always.

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