Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Teacher

Every since I was very young, I have known that I wanted to be a teacher. Children have always responded to me. I'm not sure why come to think of it. I think it might be because the Lord has given me the gift of communicating concepts in a way that they can be easily understood. Many people can complete algebra problems, but explaining the "whys" and "hows" behind something in a logical manner is very different and can be complicated.

I was pondering this week that teaching is so much more than this. More than explaining. More than presenting ideas in a fun, interesting way. 90% of instructing is encouraging. Sure you need correction, planned activities, and so on, BUT without encouragement a child will see no point to continue learning, risking failure.

The Lord reminded me of this using Akbar. Akbar is an exceptional little fellow. He is full of energy and life. Akbar has taken it upon himself to be my karem instructor. Karem is a very common game played throughout India and even Pakistan. I'm terrible at it. Awful. Horrible. I really stink. All you have to do is hit the checker size round pieces into the hole. Sounds simple. Key word "sounds." However, even though I fail repeatedly I am eager to try again simply because of Akbar. His methods of instruction are phenomenal. He is my personal male cheerleader. He celebrates each victory with jumping, yelling, and multiple high fives. When I fail he says, "Good try, Didi. Do again." He creates opportunities for me. He purposefully hits the pieces in such a way that I might be more likely to succeed come my turn. He never says, "You should stop now Didi. The time it will take you to get that piece in, Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel." This wouldn't be far from the truth. Instead, he gives me ten chances to hit a piece when I am only entitled to one. He shows he how and where to hit. He rises to hist feet to dance when I succeed. He lovingly encourages when I fail.

These traits he exhibits mirror those of our Loving Father who has sent the Encourager, the Comforter to us. The Lord celebrates our victories, our faith, our purposeful attempts to do His will. He creates opportunities for us. He moves mountains out of our way. He points us in the right direction. Romans says that faith is "counted" to us as righteousness (Romans 4:5). This is a term that means the Lord literally takes note of our faith, our actions that are caused by belief in Him alone. I can see Him there with his Book of Life. "Melinda believed me today. Let me right it down. Melinda followed me today. Let me right it down." These are the things the Lord remembers.

Maybe you have been discouraged this week. Your attempts have failed. You are not seeing progress. Maybe you are feeling condemnation because of obvious failures or sin. Have no fear. The Forgiver of sins, the Encourager, the ultimate Teacher is there cheering you on, requesting that you endure in your pursuit of Him. He is for you and not against you lovingly instructing. His love, His mercy, and His strength is being extended to you. Take it and extend it to someone else. Don't let the weight of failure and sin weigh you down. Jesus has overcome sin. He is enabling, equipping, and empowering you! Be encouraged so you can be an encourager....just like Akbar.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.

Romans 8:1-3

1 comment:

Karen said...

Lord help us all to be good teachers, to build each other up and not tear one another down, Praise God for the one's who God uses to speak to us. God used Akbar to teach you. I know you will get the game down soon, you will not always stink at it! Thank you so much for sharing, this is a great word for today!
Love you so much!