Monday, November 23, 2009


There are some phrases that we hear over and over again. "Please." "Thank you." "How are you doing?" Recently, in the past few months there is a new phrase that I do not go a day without hearing. "Come Didi." I hear this statement first thing in the morning, during every break between classes, during playtime and study time, before dinner, after dinner, and the small time in between. These beautiful children are always longing for my presence. I will admit that I'm not the only one. They are also very big fans of Season Didi and Donnabelle Didi, but being the resident "Didi" I hear it a little more often. It feels like their need for attention and love is never satisfied.
God loves me so much that He made sure He sent me to a village that has a coffee shop. I frequent there whenever I get a chance. EVERY time I am there I am greeted by the same young lady who is in her early twenties. She loves to talk with me even though she speaks very little English. When I am sitting reading a book, she will just come near sitting, smiling, saying a few words - always appearing delicate and fragile. Even when I am with someone, she makes sure to become a part of the conversation with a smile and nod. Going to the coffee shop to be alone is out of the question. She is there. She told me recently that I am her very best friend. I am very independent person. I have never been a huge fan of the clingy type. She recently told me, "I have life problem. I have one friend. So lonely. Can you help me? Tell me. What is my life problem?" What a shame it would have been if I had been too busy for her, to give her answers.
Incontestably, I am not the Son of God, but during His three years of ministry He too could rarely be found alone. People were always flocking to Him in hoards. People who needed answers, acknowledgment, and affirmation. Why? He was the living presence of God on this earth. In His company these things were found. When Jesus left He told them that it was best that He left because the Comforter, the Holy Spirit would come. We need not be distraught when people cling to us. We need not turn them away because they may inconvenience us. They are trying to cling to His presence living in you. The world is hungry for Him. My job as His ambassador is to constantly be holding a traffic sign pointing up to Him when people come looking for something only He can provide. We should not be discouraged or even annoyed by the need of those surrounding us. Do we grow tired and weary? Undoubtedly - that is why He promises that His strength is sufficient.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


To say that the last few weeks has been eventful, is the understatement of the century. There is an old saying, "When it rains, it pours." How true it is. How true it is. I will not begin to regurgitate the trials and tribulations that have been encountered over the last few weeks. Instead, I will tell you of His wonderful, glorious grace and power. For, my dear readers, when the trials rain down so does His provision and mercy. There is not a single battle or a solitary war that He is ill equipped to win. I have seen the Lord heal the wounded. One of our parents was given a 40% survival rate while undergoing an emergency operation to deliver her baby 6 weeks early. She was suffering from a pancreatic condition that was life threatening and could only be treated if she delivered her child. Her little girl was born weighing 4.4 lbs while being six weeks premature! God was preparing this child for early delivery in the womb! Both are home and smiling today (just two weeks later). Some may account this to the wonders of medical science. I attribute it to a God who can work even through a donkey, our God who is intimate with the inner workings of man, He who has the power to heal any ailment. I have seen the Lord restore what was lost. Something very dear to me escaped my grasp this week, but the Lord returned it in perfect condition. The Lord gives strength and wisdom when we have none. I beheld this first hand. While our parents were away, I was blessed with the daunting task of caring for eleven children. For almost eight years, this has been done daily in a classroom - but, to be a parent, a teacher, a nurse, and a playmate..... I commend every parent on the face of the planet who cares, protects, and loves their children as parents should. Your assignment is rigorous, but full of the sweet pleasures that only a caretaker can know. I have seen Him use His people to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Through His church I have witnessed His hands going forth to war for and provide a beautiful life for those who cannot care for themselves. That God chooses to move through us is indeed prodigious, staggering. The list goes on and on, but I want to take a moment to thank each individual who has been praying for me and for the work that God is doing in India. Intercessory prayer works. I know that my life has been spared, that my heart and body has been able to endure, that my mind can find peace, and that mountains have been moved because of your prayers. THANK YOU! Remember fellow warriors, everything you need - He is.

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
James 5: 15-17

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Force for Him

I feel like these beautiful kids have a lot more to teach me than I have to teach them. They remind me what it is to laugh - what it means to take pleasure in the smallest of gifts, gestures, and actions. They warm my heart and bring me such joy. I wish I could claim each and every one of them as my own - raise them as my own. That's what Christ has done for them and myself ofcourse - asserted us as His own. I think the Lord has sent me here to remind them of this very thing, and to train them up in His love, His scripture, His Truth. Recently, I started a youth group for the children who are 13 or older. We have seven teenagers at this age who are trying to understand what it means to be a man or woman of the one true God. We talk about what it means to be a force for Him. I feel such a sense of urgency where these young people are concerned. Soon they will venture into the world alone - a world full of idols, oppression, and doubt. I want His truth and love to fill them completely so they can go forth in His love and power. Would you be willing to say a special prayer for these youth this week? Poonam, Vijay, Arpit, Sachin, Goodu, Vicky, and Sushila. They aren't my children, but they are His. Let's pray they remain in His hands, in His Way.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Gaining More of Him

All of my life I have been a bit of an oddball in one way or another. I have walked to the beat of my own drum. As you can imagine, I never really flourished amongst controlling personality types. My very essence rebels against stereotypes, cultural guidelines, and legalistic criterion. I would have never survived in the 19th century when the simple act of laughing too loudly was unsuitable for females. This is who I am. Walking with Him has taught me some very valuable lessons. Who I am, should be flexible - not inflexible, but viscous. We put our likes and dislikes on a pedestal making them law in our own hearts, thinking these statutes define who we are. So what is the problem with this individualism? Two things immediately come to mind. #1 One would be destined to despondency, unhappiness. All the world isn't conformed to our specific preferences. He should be our delight, not circumstances. If we only do what feels comfortable and pleasing, then we are simply Epicureans who worship at the altar of pleasure. #2 Effectiveness will be limited greatly. The only guidelines by which we should be governed are those given to us in His Word. We should be making it a point not to always "be ourselves," but to be all things to all people. Why? Paul says it best in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you." So here in India, I find myself doing things that are nowhere in my nature or comfort zone to do for the sake of Him - so that many may come to know Him. I submit to the unique authority system set in place, eat a certain way, speak differently, bobble my head, dress differently, pay social calls differently, eat strange things, and the list goes on. Why? Because these are not life or death issues, and if these small changes will cause me to be all things to all people, will help more people to come to Him - then why not? Do I feel I'm losing a piece of myself? No, I feel I'm gaining more of Him.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Life Ramblings...

So many analogies for this thing we live called life. Here are a few and some added thoughts.
Analogy #1 - "Life is like an onion. You peel off layer after layer and sometimes you weep." ~ Carl Sandburg
Mel's Commentary: This analogy implies that all of life stinks. I would argue to the contrary. Stinky moments? Sure, but the whole kit and caboodle. I think not. If you feel it does, then ask for a spirit of thankfulness. You'll look at life in a whole new way! ( will smell better.)
Analogy #2 - "Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. " ~ Author Unknown
Mel's Commentary: A cynic wrote this. The lyrics of a song define it. If the lyrics to one's life are "messed up," it's because you wrote the lyrics yourself. I'm letting the Lord write the words to my song.
Analogy #3 - "Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale. Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man." ~ William Shakespeare
Mel's Commentary: I can think of a great number of people who would absolutely agree with Shakespeare. Emphatically, I do not. If the story of your life is causing people to slumber, including yourself, you might consider consulting the Lord on how He intends for you to live. I have never found the answer to be boring, dull, and/or tedious. The Lord causes us to dream, and see those dreams come to pass. He is the ultimate visionary, and He likes to share His vision with us if we are willing.
Analogy #4 - "Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth." ~ Martin H. Fischer
Mel's Commentary: At first glance one might approve of this statement. My initial response is that this is NOT the greatest show, but then again it does state "on earth" so I won't put up too much fuss. The greatest show will take place in the heavens. Of that I'm certain. My second thought is, why is this person sitting in a folding chair watching life? I'm in the production and Jesus has the lead role.
Analogy #5 - "I think life is like a painting by numbers." ~ anonymous
Mel's Commentary: Those who know me VERY well know that I do in fact apply my paint brush to a numbered canvas from time to time. I actually feel much better that the secret is out. Why is it a secret? Because...they are lame! Any true artist would say they stifle creativity. There is no creative process, no risk involved. Then why do I like them? I know what the finished process is intended to resemble. This is not how one should live their life. Sure, I have hopes and dreams concerning my life, but I have no idea how the end result will look! I only know it will be better than I could have possibly imagined. He is The Way, The Truth, and the Life. In other words, He has all the numbers and knows best how to fill them. Let us take comfort in that!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

From One World Into Another

My grandfather was a wonderful, righteous man who loved the Lord God. He recently had the awesome privilege of meeting his Maker when he passed away on September 9th. My grandmother refers to him as an angle among men. Very true. His death has caused me to ponder the leaving of this carnal realm and entering into eternal life. I cannot help but acknowledge the Lord's grace and mercy enveloped in His promise of eternal life.

It is not often that while sitting in a funeral you hear the faults of a person pronounced. If they were stingy, selfish and maybe a little egocentric, it most likely would not be mentioned. His/her bald spots, dentures, gingivitis, and acne are not likely to make the eulogy. Violent tempers, distant family members, and comb-overs will not be cited on the epitaph. On the contrary we reminisce over the happy moments and the admirable qualities exhibited (even if they were few and far between). It's as if we develop amensia concerning his/her faults. For those of us who have accepted Christ as our personal Savior, passing into His glorious presence, I imagine, will be a lot like attending a funeral. The Lord has no memory, no recollection of our grievous sins. In fact, the word of God says in Psalms 103:12 "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." The Word also says in Isaiah 43:25, "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more." What a wonderful promise for those of us who believe, one to which I cling. All He remembers are your acts of righteousness, even if they don't constitute a very long list. Isn't that wonderful! I cannot help but cling to Him and His promises. We have no hope except that which He alone offers.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Know

I know what I am....a sinner in need of grace, forgiveness, and a lot of mercy. I know where I come from.... a life filled with enough traumatizing stories to write a book, maybe two. I know what I've done.... committed mistake after mistake. BUT more than any of these things, I know who He is. The Maker of ways. The Giver of grace. The Father of love. The Enabler of the inadequate. Savior. King. Father. Friend. The Prince of Peace.

As I was preparing to go before these angels yesterday, these beautiful teachers who give their lives to educating students in the slums, I was overcome with a severe feeling of inadequacy. Literally, I had the shakes. Who am I to entertain, much less instruct angels on the art of teaching? God has equipped me with knowledge and experience, but what is that compared to a life of servitude in the slums of Mumbai? Zilch. Thankfully, the Lord sent the Counselor to me, as He often does to direct my thinking in the ways of truth and righteousness. He reminded me that even the Paul, the great Apostle struggled with feelings of inadequacy, but he continued forward ministering the gospel. He too was filled the fear and trembling, but he pressed on. (I Cor 2: 1-14) God uses the willing, and then makes them capable. Praise the Lord for that. In the end, the training was an absolute success. Teachers were encouraged, loved, and taught how to do the joy of teaching better. They are awaiting my arrival again. The sweet ladies were kissing my cheeks. The Lord is our confidence. The Spirit of the Lord comes at the exact moment of our greatest weakness and strengthens us for His glory. It didn't feel like I had been touched with a special wand and strength just began to radiate from me. It felt as if I was being carried. Equipped. Whatever you are trembling about this week, whatever is bringing you to your knees, whatever mounting task the Lord has laid before you....I encourage you to know who He is. Not who you are. Know him. Let Him be your confidence, and thus bring Him glory.
For the Lord shall by thy confidence and keep thy foot from being taken.
Proverbs 3:26

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What About Today?

"Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living." - Elizabeth Elliot
This quote just about says it all. All of us are playing the "Waiting Game" for some reason or another. Maybe you are waiting for a new job, a child, a husband, an opportunity. Seasons change. It could be that you are simply waiting for the present season of our your life to change. The point is not whether or not your are waiting. You are. The point is - Are you living today in the mean time? You live today by faith. God still owns tomorrow. I am a progressive person and enjoy thinking about what comes next. However, being progressive, thinking about the future is not an excuse for being absent - absent in faith, absent in energy, absent in love, or absent in deed. We make excuses about why we can't serve God in a deeper way today. Usually are excuses revolve around waiting on something that is around the corner - money, time, a wife, a husband, experience, etc. The Lord has just been reminding me today that He loves when my faith, when your faith is active in the day in which we are living - not just in the days to come. Whatever season of life you are in, be all there for Him! Milk it for His glory.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Time to Celebrate

Sultan is a quite remarkable little fellow who lives here at the Life Center. Yesterday was a very special day for him. He doesn't really know when his birthday is or even his exact age. Some think he is eight and some say nine. When Sultan came to the LC a date of birth was set for him, August 30th. He had never had his life celebrated....until yesterday. What a party! The Average Joe might be bothered by the fact that it was not truly the date they were born but not Sultan! All week long he had anxiously been awaiting his very own birthday cake. Every day he reminded me, "Melinda Didi, Sunday is my birthday!" Precious. On the day of his birthday, he had no interest in games. He only wanted to see that cake. It's tradition for them to cut the first piece. He cut the first piece. He lifted it high in the air, and then did the most amazing thing. He fed the very first piece to his two brothers. This is tradition, but I wonder how many privileged 9 year olds would offer their very first piece of their very own birthday cake to someone else? Not many, however, Sultan was happy to do so. What an amazing child! God has amazing things in store for him and all the other beautiful kids here at the Life Center. I'm so blessed to be a part of what He is doing.

I hope you will celebrate someone today!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Teacher

Every since I was very young, I have known that I wanted to be a teacher. Children have always responded to me. I'm not sure why come to think of it. I think it might be because the Lord has given me the gift of communicating concepts in a way that they can be easily understood. Many people can complete algebra problems, but explaining the "whys" and "hows" behind something in a logical manner is very different and can be complicated.

I was pondering this week that teaching is so much more than this. More than explaining. More than presenting ideas in a fun, interesting way. 90% of instructing is encouraging. Sure you need correction, planned activities, and so on, BUT without encouragement a child will see no point to continue learning, risking failure.

The Lord reminded me of this using Akbar. Akbar is an exceptional little fellow. He is full of energy and life. Akbar has taken it upon himself to be my karem instructor. Karem is a very common game played throughout India and even Pakistan. I'm terrible at it. Awful. Horrible. I really stink. All you have to do is hit the checker size round pieces into the hole. Sounds simple. Key word "sounds." However, even though I fail repeatedly I am eager to try again simply because of Akbar. His methods of instruction are phenomenal. He is my personal male cheerleader. He celebrates each victory with jumping, yelling, and multiple high fives. When I fail he says, "Good try, Didi. Do again." He creates opportunities for me. He purposefully hits the pieces in such a way that I might be more likely to succeed come my turn. He never says, "You should stop now Didi. The time it will take you to get that piece in, Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel." This wouldn't be far from the truth. Instead, he gives me ten chances to hit a piece when I am only entitled to one. He shows he how and where to hit. He rises to hist feet to dance when I succeed. He lovingly encourages when I fail.

These traits he exhibits mirror those of our Loving Father who has sent the Encourager, the Comforter to us. The Lord celebrates our victories, our faith, our purposeful attempts to do His will. He creates opportunities for us. He moves mountains out of our way. He points us in the right direction. Romans says that faith is "counted" to us as righteousness (Romans 4:5). This is a term that means the Lord literally takes note of our faith, our actions that are caused by belief in Him alone. I can see Him there with his Book of Life. "Melinda believed me today. Let me right it down. Melinda followed me today. Let me right it down." These are the things the Lord remembers.

Maybe you have been discouraged this week. Your attempts have failed. You are not seeing progress. Maybe you are feeling condemnation because of obvious failures or sin. Have no fear. The Forgiver of sins, the Encourager, the ultimate Teacher is there cheering you on, requesting that you endure in your pursuit of Him. He is for you and not against you lovingly instructing. His love, His mercy, and His strength is being extended to you. Take it and extend it to someone else. Don't let the weight of failure and sin weigh you down. Jesus has overcome sin. He is enabling, equipping, and empowering you! Be encouraged so you can be an encourager....just like Akbar.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.

Romans 8:1-3

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fast Friends....

Many, many people have been praying for me while I'm here. I cannot give enough thanks for that. One of the things people have been praying for is...and I quote...."fast friends." I am here to tell you readers that not only does God answer prayer, but He is extremely comical. His sense of humor astounds me!

A couple of weeks ago my friend Donnabelle came down from Mumbai to stay with me a few days. We were taking a little trip into town but lacked transportation. A rickshaw driver by the name of Sanjaay was recommended. Sanjaay turned out to be a very friendly little man....little indeed. He measures up to about 5 feet and 1 or 2 inches (more thank likely just one). Donnabelle explained to him that I am a crazy American who has decided to relocate to the Himalayans and would be needing a ride in the future. "Just call me," he told her in Hindi.

Yesterday, I found myself needing a lift, as a result, I phoned Sanjaay for the first time. Quite speedily he showed up eager to zoom me around town. On the way back home, I noticed that Sanjaay did not take the route I knew. In fact, he chose to take a road home that leads in the opposite direction of where I live. Strange..... I did begin to get a little apprehensive and question my safety. It was around 8:30 pm and very dark out. They do not exactly have street lights around here. My fears were quickly squashed when I remembered what a friend of mine said to me last week. "Melinda, have you met an Indian man who could knock you down yet?" Not exactly....but what about weapons?

As it turns out Sanjaay was taking me to meet his wife, to show me his home, and to give me a look at his neighborhood. This is the cause for the detour. I couldn't have been happier. As he was dropping me off after our speedy adventure, he said to me, "You. Me. Friends." In his broken English, he invited me to come to his home again for a more extended visit. No, he wasn't just after my money. In fact, he charged me LESS than he charges the locals. Unheard of!!!

I can't help but giggle while writing this blog. God answers prayer. Specifically. In Sanjaay God has given me a "fast friend."

Thank you Lord for the ministry opportunity...for the friend.

Friday, August 7, 2009

From the Start

I just wanted to send a big "THANK YOU" out to all of those who have been praying for me, and specifically for my Internet capabilities.

I've been saying to Lord, "I need the Internet! PLEASE!" It just occurred to me that He answered my prayer that very first day when I had someone else's computer to use. (Thanks Leslie!) Then, when I moved to Lonavala He led me to an Internet cafe led by very friendly Buddhists (ministry opportunity), but yet I was still saying, "I need Internet Lord!"

Now, I send this electronic post to you from my very own computer using my very own Internet device which was given to me. I am saying, "Thank you Lord!" However, I think my thanks is a little late. I should have given it on day one.

The Lord always provides for our needs according to His riches and glory. Maybe it's wrapped differently than we expected, but He always provides. There is nothing wrong for hoping and praying for better things, but let's not forget to give thanks along the way. He is faithful. He is good. Always.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Skipping the Small Talk

I have the gift of laughter. Some I know would say that I just have the gift of volume - loud, elevated noise. I'm a "half glass full" kind of thinker, so I do celebrate and giggle alot. I do not however have the gift of "gab," as I would call it. I'm not extremely good at meeting someone and then off the cuff talking about randomness. When speaking I usually have a point, not just to exercise my jaw muscles. Sometimes I partake in chitter-chatter, but only for the purpose of building relationship. It's intentional.

So, when I meet someone I like to get to the heart of who they are. What do they really believe? What do they value? Where do they see the Lord taking them in this journey called life? What is their salvation story?

Here at the Life Center I have met a kindred spirit. Her name is Sushilia, and she is beautiful inside and out. She is one of the many children living here. As a very young teenager she is pondering deep thoughts.

Although I had met Sushila once before, we had not gotten a chance to sit down and talk. I went into the girls room during play time just to casually visit and see how everyone's day was going. I sat down on the bed. Sushila started to show me the songs she likes to play on the guitar, and before I knew it I was playing the guitar and we were singing praises to the Lord. During the second song, Sushila stopped me. She said, "Excuse me Didi. I must know. Does God talk to you?" I told her that indeed He did. "How does He talk to you?" she replied. "Can you hear Him?" Sushila wanted to get down to buisiness! Skip the small talk and pull out the big guns.

The Lord opened up a wonderful opportunity to share about His still small voice and how even His creation testifies of Him. Sometimes we just need to pull out the big guns and get down to business. Get down to the heart of the matter.

I'm so happy to be here in Lonavala. I'm so thrilled that He sees fit to minister to me and through me.

Maybe you need to ask the big questions to someone this week?

Blessings and Peace in Jesus Name!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where to begin....

Everyday there are about 100 things happening that are blog worthy. Trying to pick out just one is too difficult. I cannot do it today!

Those of you who are Facebook friendly know that I have officially moved into the Life Center in the town of Lonavala. I have now been knighted Village Didi (the aunt of the village). I don't yet have internet connections where I am, but the Lord is working on that. I am believing by the end of the week that the Lord will work out all of those details.

Life at the Life Center is exciting. I am always surrounded by these wonderful children who are hungry for love, relationship, and affection. What an empowering place the Lord has placed me! One in which I constantly have opportunity to demonstrate the love of God. Every day I am just asking the Lord to fill me with His love. Fill me up Lord so I can pour it out in Jesus name. At the Life Center I am teaching children to read and write, organizing activities, and loving on children in the name of Jesus. These children who come off the streets are hungry for love and knowledge and God has empowered me to give them both!

Doors are continuing to open for me in the area of my gifting, teaching. I have been asked to lead a training for teachers who run slum schools. These schools take in children who might otherwise just be roaming the street. They take them in, teach them to read and write, feed them, and send them home with the knowledge and love of God. Currently, there are around 151 schools that Sower of Seeds Ministry is involved with through a beautiful saint named Sister Rajuhns. She has asked me to train her teachers. What an honor! When I sit next to her, I feel like Joshua following Moses up the mountain just hoping that I get to experience some of that same glory. The glory of the Lord. I want to glow just like Moses and just like Sister Rajuhns! I am continually asking the Lord for wisdom, grace, and endurance in order to complete all these tasks.

Coming into a new country means that there are things that need to be purchased to get a life started. I want to pour out blessings to these beautiful kids, and I need your help to do it! Your prayers and support are needed and appreciated! If you are interested in partaking in this ministry through financial support, just see the information on the left column.

Blessings and Peace in Jesus Name!!!
The name above all names.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mailing Address

I updated my mailing information on the side column of this blog.  If you have any question about mailing items, just let me know. :)  I did note that mailing through the post office is not the most reliable way.  Items sometimes take up to five months to arrive this way. The best way to send items is through the UPS or DHL. 

All of you who asked for my mailing address....THANK YOU!  :)

Blessings and Peace!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Acts of Mercy

"Blessed are the merciful, for thy shall obtain mercy."  

All throughout the New Testament you hear of Jesus being moved with compassion, and in turn providing a spoken or an unspoken need.  I heard someone share about acts of mercy yesterday.  The part that most struck me was when he shared about Jacob's well.  Jacob's well was made (by hand) to fulfill a need.  People were constantly trying to corrupt the wells he built, until he finally placed one on top of the mount in a town later to be called Samaria.  You may remember this well as the one in which Jesus spoke to the Samaritan women after He told His disciples, "I have need to go through Samaria."  When Jesus met the Samaritan women there, she questioned whether Jesus could give her water that was more fine than the water provided by their ancestor Jacob who had given that well.  The well spoke mercy to her centuries later.  The effect of acts of mercy are unending.  It's like throwing a ball at zero gravity that never encounters obstacles.  It never ends.  

We are still recalling all of Jesus' acts of mercy and most importantly the ultimate act which was the giving of His life.  The Word says, "Having compassion, making a difference."  That is what I hope to do here.  That is what I see already being done, and I hope to just follow suit with the vision the Lord has given me.  I have seen the Lord's mercy in my life over and over again.  He saved me.  He rescued me.  He gave me a destiny.  He is my loving Father.

I don't have much, but in Him I am rich.  Rich in mercy.  Peter said, "Siver and gold have I none, but what I have I give unto you."  

I am not sure of everything that the Lord wants to accomplish through me here, but I ask that you would for me.  Pray that I would never cease to give mercy to these beautiful orphans, widows, former prostitutes and drug addicts.  Pray they see Him. 

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Picture of Restoration....

The room exploded with color.  Against their coffee brown skin it appeared that they had chosen the brightest shades.  They were beautiful.  Some appeared as if their faces were shining.  They smiled as if they held the greatest secret....and indeed they had.  His name is Jesus.

Today I had the amazing opportunity to sit among some beautiful Indian women.  Some were young, some were old, and some appearing older than their years.....all born again Christians devoted to God's work.  They were being trained in the Word so that they could go out and minister the Gospel.  All were the children of former prostitutes, former prostitutes, or even former madams over several ladies.  All were children of the Most High God seeking to be encouraged by His Word.  Although I myself was only assisting and not sharing, I could feel the Word going forth in power.

Last night I was given the opportunity to share with ladies who came from a completely different world.  Although Indian, they were young women who came from affluent families, in college, and under strict supervision.  They were just as receptive to the Word.  The Spirit of the Living God was so present.

I have been overwhelmed by God mercy and lovingkindness the last two days.  He has been reminding me just have good and faithful He is.  He is not a respecter of persons.  Some get upset by this fact, but I am thankful.  I am thankful that He isn't like the cruel false idols that many people here serve.  He doesn't see gender, skin color, circumstances, your history, your reputation, what kind of family you were born into, or what cast you are from.  What a good and merciful God.  If you are Hindu and you are a women or are very poor, then you have no hope of ever getting to their false heaven.  Can you imagine serving such pagan pigs?  

So, I am thankful for our King of Kings.  He deserves so much glory and honor.  Amen!

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galations 3:28

Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Impressions

Being here only a few days (literally only 3)....I feel as if I have been here a few weeks.  Instead of feeling overwhelmed by this feeling, I am encouraged.  Why you ask?  This feeling can only imply that MUCH has been accomplished!  Isn't that wonderful! What an an encouraging thought for those of us who are kingdom minded and want to see the Lord's work accomplished.

Many of my friends have been asking me about my first impressions of India.  I'm having trouble putting those thoughts into words.  My dear friend Traci says that I'm often verbally evasive. :)  I'm not trying to be in this instance, it's just that I've needed some time to process my thoughts and may need a little more.

What I have decided to do since I couldn't organize anything poetic from my thoughts is to give you a list of sorts......

Thought #1  I have traveled to only four continents, but of the countries I have seen India is indeed the most foreign.  My friends who have spent time in far off places had warned me of such.  It feels "foreign" because of the destitution, the level of uncleanliness, the naked little children running around, the smells, the  CONSTANT honking, the interesting food (not quite so foreign as China), the all out assault on the senses, and many other reasons.  BUT (did you feel the but coming?) because of God's enduring grace and mercy, I feel home.  I hope that you catch that last part because it is a miracle.  I feel home.  His lovingkindness and mercies are new every morning and He is extending them towards me now.  Praise His holy name!

Thought #2  How easy it would be to be overwhelmed by the destitution and hopelessness that this country radiates.  VERY EASILY.  Child after child seen wandering the streets unclothed and unfed.  Even from infancy they are trained to have this withdrawn saddened look on their face that undoubtedly comes naturally.  Many of their mothers being prostitutes send out to beg with malnourished child in order to bring in more money.  Where is hope?  Ladies and gentlemen we have an answer and His name is Jesus.  I am so blessed to be a part of His kingdom and among His body who is touching people just like these.  We are to be in the world, but not of it.  We should not be consumed by circumstance, but instead and faith and believe in our loving God who is the changer of hearts, minds, and yes even earthly circumstances.

Thought #3  I will actually be living IN the orphanage in which I will be teaching.  Initially this thought intimidated me, and if I'm honest I will admit I have a few quickly passing moments of trepidation.  As a teacher, I first imagined that this would be likened unto taking up residence inside of your classroom.  All the fellow teachers out there are trembling now at this thought.  Or it could be compared to a pastor, NEVER leaving the church building.  Or possibly an accountant never rising from his/her desk.  Or maybe even a medical assistant having 24 hour around the clock patients.  Is anyone out there feeling overwhelmed?   Then it occurred to me, that the problem was not my place of residence.  The problem was my thinking on the subject matter.  How often have I offered my life to the Lord?  How often do we say,  "My life is Yours?" How often do have I said, "All I have, I give to you?"  So then, the question is why would I allow moments of anxiousness when He actually takes ALL I have?  This place I'm in this season of my life will be the most blessed, the most profitable, the most fulfulling, the most empowered, and the most fruitful because it belongs FULLY to Him.  I hope there are some readers out there saying "Amen and Amen!"  Maybe even a "halalujah!"  I am rejoicing now at the kitchen table as I think of it. 

Thought #4  Will there be trials, temptations, tribulations, pain, and maybe even hardship?  ABSOLUTELY!  Is His grace enough?  ABSOLUTELY!

I am filled with hope and joy.  My request is that as the church prayed for Peter without ceasing (Acts 12:5) that you, the church, will pray for me.  It was only by prayer that he was delivered from the hand of King Agrippa by the work of an angel.  I need your prayer.  

Blessings and Peace
Thank you for reading!  There will be more thoughts to come!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Prayer request...

Yesterday I met the kids at the Life Center for the first time.  They were absolutely amazing!!! There is only one small computer will NOT connect to the internet here.  I have been using the computers of some freinds that will be leaving very shortly.  I cannot tell you about all the wonderful things that are happening if I don't have internet.  This may sound like a small problem, but if you have ever been away from home and have no other means to communicate other than your beautiful laptop in front of you....then you understand.  It's IMPORTANT.  I need help friends...and that means that I need you prayers!

Blessings and Peace!


Friday, July 17, 2009

I have.....

I have arrived in India. That is about all the words I can muster up in my current state of mental clarity. HOWEVER, I am here in India and wanted all of my dedicated blog readers to know. I feel home here already....even though I have only been here for an hour and may be on the only person awake in the city (it's 4:00 a.m.). I'm home. God is so good to send His grace, peace, and mercy to me.

Why would anyone ever serve another?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Support Information

You will see that I have revised and revisited the support section of my blog. Please check it out!! It's entitled "Supporting the Call," and will give you all the instructions you need. :) If you have any more thoughts, prayer requests, concerns, and/or questions, feel free to email me.

Blessed in order to be a blessing,

Melinda - a prisoner of Jesus Christ

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Following Him...

My dedicated blog readers will notice that I changed the title of my blog from "Missions to Brazil" to "Taking Jesus to the Ends of the Earth." Those of you who are personally involved with me know why.

My time in Brazil has come to an end, but the notion of my being sent to share the gospel of Jesus Christ most certainly has not! On July 16th, I will begin the next chapter in my walk with the Lord as I head of to Lonavala, India! There I will be living in an orphanage referred to as the Life Center. This venture is not with the mission organization with whom I traveled to Brazil. This organization is called Sower of Seeds. They serve the county of India with water wells, slum school, orphanages, and much more. You can check them out at to get more information.

If you have been supporting me in the past, I would ask for your continued support. I will post the support information this week. Many of you experienced God's care of provision over the last two years as your poured into the work done in Brazil. I am certain this will not change! If you have any question about what I will be doing in India and would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at I welcome your question, thoughts, and prayers!

Please stay tuned into this blog! I am determined to be more dedicated to communicating with you!

Blessings and Peace,

Melinda - a prisoner of our Lord Jesus.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Recently I have been feeling the Lord speaking to my heart, "Write it down." More specifically, the Lord has been reminding me to testify of all He has done in my life and through my life. That sounds like an easy task doesn't it. Maybe even fun. However, what I found is that when I sat down to make myslef recall all the wonders the Lord has preformed for mind went directly to all the garbage. The natural instinct of the mind is to recall the crap. Excuse my english, but that clearly articulates the point I'm trying to make.

I was brought to tears by the natural inclination of the grey matter between my two ears. I was grieved by the condition of my heart, that I would have to search through the manure of my life in order to find something praise worthy. The Lord sent His Spirit to me in that moment to convict and to heal. My life has not been deficient of the Lord's workings. My mind has been lacking in remembrance. We have to be purposeful about recalling the Lord's works. When David was downcast (Psalm 42), he would speak to his soul and say REMEMBER the LORD!

We must remember the Lord. When our minds fail us and try to be downcast because of past or present circumstances, when need to speak to our soul just as David and Jeremiah did (Lamentation 3:17-25). We must be purposeful to praise.

Why remember? Primarily because the Lord is worthy of praise. Secondly, because remembering implies action. Every time the Lord remembers in the word of God, he acts upon our behalf. (Gen 8:1, Gen 19:29, Exodus 6:5-6, Num 10:9)When we remember the Lord, we act on His behalf. Doesn't that make you want to remember!

Why are thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope in God: for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
Psalm 43:5